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Cake day: Apr 03, 2022


So you say that the solution is to just give up and let Nato roll over and dominate all of us whenever they please? We are talking about an imperialist organization that has manufactured Cassus-belli on numerous occasions with no evidence and on false pretense. Do you think that giving in and allowing yourselves to be surrounded by Nato states will save you? Or will you face the same consequences as Ukraine did since their color revolution in 2014?

The last point about the invasion creating a bogeyman is totally inconsequential. Before the conflict in Donbass flared up, Russia was always seen as an enemy and a bogeyman. They (NATO) have always been drumming up manufactured consent and would do so regardless of the facts.

Just look at China, who hasn’t attacked anyone in decades. They are beating the drums of war based on total fabrications and propaganda lies. Whether there’s an invasion or not, this is how NATO operates.

He thinks that China is lying about the conditions in Xinjiang and pulls up bullshit sources like “defectors” that support the western Genocide narrative. He has this holier than thou attitude throughout to make it seem like there is some sort of enlightened middle ground between China’s claims and the wests.

Overall he’s got pretty shit views on China and has previously made it clear that he thinks “Tankies” are equally as naive as the libs.

But in his defense his content regarding south America and the US intervention in the region is much better researched and factual, and so are most of his videos debunking libs and reactionaries.

I really hope Badempanada takes a Second Thought style full on socialist turn, he is so close to being based af, but he keeps on trying to act like both sides of the political spectrum are bad. That and his terrible takes on China and the Uyghurs.

At the very least Europe has better public transport networks, but of course, gas prices hit everyone at some point.

Correct, although to be clear the Totenkompf is the skull and crossbones, I posted the runic logo that was adopted as a patch by the SS.

yes you’re right, I didn’t look closely enough to see that its a wolfsangel

Its not a swastika, its the insignia of the SS

Edit: My bad I was mistaken, its not the SS insignia but rather a different fascist symbol, the Wolfsangel. Commonly used by several Nazi Wemacht divisions, and also the Dutch Fascists in the 1930s