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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Sep 11, 2020


to sign in to alfa/demo only with google acc, there is no terms and conditions and also no privacy policy, no go for me.

private sector is out, goverment acts as 3rd party, etique of PaaS model,

this gives us a platform/predisposition to run a governmetal crm with legal digital citizentships

cross-posted from: > could you please throw here your opinion on the matter? > > for me, 2 main aspects > > the business one, PaaS model > the goverment entity

I hope you are right.

Sincerely, your dedicated federal agent.

did you just call a federal agent? and also i got so far most of dislikes collected here ever.

Im glad, its nice to know that some of you are giving so much of trust in the servise build and paid by us government. You have no and i will say again no clue who is running those services(and what is running on the same machines with your data), there are poeple who has a good intentions and would like to have an anon net. And there are the other people. Please do some investigation for youself, search who funded and build the base for tor movement, what was the ocassion and the ultimate goal.

im still amused by the title fed, ultimate lol.

just why you want to route all traffic via tor? ask yourself why? ISP can see everything and you are funneling your traffic via monitored network, you will just point on yourself, nothing is for free, those nods got purpose, so again pls ask yourself why you like to do it? why you wanna hide yourself? and what you wanna hide?

just prove the fact that “dhlsucks” is one word and they can go fck themselves. what intelectual property, like what a heck :D

you look for privacy and you wanna link your non firefox browser with firefox account, just use firefox, you basically giving all infos to firefox when u r using firefox account.

edit: i found a google tracker in the app, git description mentioning, that i should open new issue, but as per stated “non-stable” app setup, no reason to do that, I strongly suggest to not use this app. If the developer is not able to guarantee stability and doesnt even know what is going in the guts of the app, its no go for me

maybe its worth a try maybe not. but u dont need this disro to root your traffic via tor (what i explicitly dont recommend, tor doesnt guarantee anon and privacy), you can change mac address of the device in any other distro same goes for dns.

the title of the article and also of the lemmy post is a bit clickbaity.

thanks for bringing this up.

we need to create whole new methodogy and “product time-line” for this.

link is very helpful. cheers!

my comment should not offend anyone, my apologize

yes, riot >>> element

explanation for “sharp” wording> often i get on web a thing, a lot of people expect to be private, secure and confident about their status of privacy and security with minimum knowledge and effort. Best case scenario > get a simple, point me on answer, have already existing platform/app to use. There are many ready tools, good tools to use, but no complex platform. You should know the small reliable fragments and put them together in the way u need and like.

there is no straight forward way to cover this, there is no “10 things how to keep your mobile communication secure and private” and if you see something like that, its some pseudo tech article written by whoeverfck for woeverfck reason and purpose. It may offer a partial solution, but no partial solution can be applied on this topic.

you like to have it set correct way, dig so deep that you will hit the bottom and even after that you should question your status if its everything correct/ if you are on latest update, unfortunately we are going full speed and accelerating more with digital age/selves, people should care about their digital identities more. Its super time consuming, you need to have at least some tech background, drive and some money to invest in hw. Build it from the bottom, to have a stable basis, which should be enabler/provider for dynamical changes on the top, as the changes are inevitably coming.

There so much things on the way, their are coming and going, its dynamic process, its IT, continuous change. observe > adapt > overcome (or exploit :D)


i dont recall lemmy as a wast platform with a wide spectrum of user such as reddit or some fb groups. This is for me more focused, specific, granular “soc app”, no lazy questions > no lazy answers. So I wrote a short “lazy” answer.

ps - i hope i will not get dissappointed with lemmy as I did with HN (as its heavily adminized, monetized, scalled and used for individual group interests)

from bunker, your bunkrra, lol

idk if you are expecting to get a simple, point me on answer, but this is a not simple topic. i will make a summ for you.

get own server, install on instance vpn server, dns server, get your own certificates, install matrix or other open source, by public verified soft. Same goes for all the small parts on the server, no propietary sw, even bios. get another copy of the same server hw, set 2nd leg to have 24/7 up and running service.

root your phone, get rid off all the shit on the phone, no goole no google play, no big bro app, sandbox it, get riot, block mic from all apps, just keep for the riot app, restrict apps to max on root level, but keep it still functional for tge purpose of the communication. same goes for your mate on the other site of communication channel. if the one device in chain is weak the whole chain is vulnerable.

connect riot with matrix, use all the time owndns and vpn, utilize and update devices and servers accordingly to the latest trends

you will still leak ip address and some meta data to matrix, but if the data flow will be crypted between instances, no1 should be the big brother in this case, only you will become one 😃