• 9 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jan 21, 2022

Is lemmur broken?
I can't login anymore

Thx for the clarification. Maybe there was just a misunderstanding. I wrote site isolation but meant per-site process isolation in the first comment but added it in the following comment.

Firefox doesn’t have per-site process isolation. That info is from the dev of mull.

I’m not sure what info to take from that linked comment, sorry. I didn’t refer to madaidan or grapheneos.

WebRTC is obviously only a problem if you use it. I think I’ve never used WebRTC in an android browser.

I don’t think that enabling it does anything

Btw on android it’s called rooting not jailbraking. I highly advise against rooting your android as this can introduce security risks. Indtalling another os like grapheneos does not requiere root access.

Bromite is chromium based and has site isolation wheras mull doesn’t have process isolation. Both are hardened browsers and are very good for privacy. If your threat model requires site isolation go for bromite but if you don’t need it, you can go for mull. I think mull is enough for my threat model and I really like its ad and tracker blocking and addon capabilities. You can add any addon with a customized addon collection.

Protonmail needs your IP. If you want to open an account via tor or (proton)vpn (i haven’t checked others), then you still need to provide another mail or phone number

If you download a paper you should know that it has a unique fingerprint. If your cloud gets hacked, and the paper released with your “signature”, it affects you.

Fully agree! :)

The problem is that many people are not aware of the problem and just letting them do what they do will lead to an even darker future. China shows us for years how our future will be shaped if we don’t start fighting against it.

Another thing that came to my mind. I visit frequently archwiki and other tech oriented websites. None of them contain (facebook) trackers. But they’ll contribute to the algorithm that decides which ad i’ll see.

How bad is the future? Removing third party cookies in favor of client side scanning
If I get this right, facebook needs mozilla to get into a browser. I mean this is just a proposal how that all works but why shouldn't mozilla work with the devil to get money, if they are already getting paid by the Beelzebub. Facebook has the ad network and mozilla has the browser. Third party cookies will be [gone](https://mediaupdate.co.za/marketing/151495/the-end-of-third-party-cookies-what-businesses-need-to-know) in a year or so and now [google](https://www.itworldcanada.com/article/google-topics-another-try-at-a-third-party-cookie-replacement/472336) and [facebook](https://www.xda-developers.com/mozilla-meta-interoperable-private-attribution/) are looking into different forms of advertising/tracking. Brave already tracks their users on the browser level and to me the proposals look like facebook and google want to do the same as brave. Observing all internet traffic and categorize the visited websites and creating a profile of the user to "serve relevant ads". This means not only those sites that have third party cookies embedded but all sites are then considered to profile you. How is google's floc or facebook's way privacy respecting? (Sorry mozilla, I only speak of facebook, because if you don't play along, they'll just create their own browser. you have no power here) The exact implementation doesn't actually matter here. Let's say I browse a lot of dog websites, and hence I am in the group of dog lovers, hence I'll be served dog food ads. I don't visit radical right wing sites, so I don't get ads for a steel helmet. If I don't get ads for a steel helmet, and I am not part of that group. Blabla ... based on the recent 100 ads they served to me, they can categorize me and make a very good profile of me. I browse books? I must be an intellectual or whatever. They don't get the exact website I visit, but they still keep on profiling me. They still get the relevant information. How is that any better? I think all those "intelligent" content algorithms are dangerous to our society. Profiling for ads is just the same as filtering the content of your news based on your interests. You'll only be shown what you already like, you'll live inside your bubble and read/see only the stuff you want to see. [Apple](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/02/facebook-says-apple-ios-privacy-change-will-cost-10-billion-this-year.html) recently changed their privacy policy which leads to a crack in facebook's earnings. Does apple care about the users privacy? No, but apple's earnings aren't affected. Apple gets more power over their users by reducing facebook's power, nothing more. Back to facebook. Facebook and other advertisers didn't know I was browsing the archwiki, because there are no bloody trackers. Facebook didn't even had me in their database. websites can opt out of floc but do all website owners know this? Facebook didn't know that I was browsing xy websites because there were no facebook trackers. And now they are all over the place. This all sounds hell to me. Yes I can just use a different browser, I can use librewolf. But can anyone who is not interested in IT just use another browser? No. Someone else probably doesn't even know about librewolf and will use the first "privacy browser" that pops up. If everything is stored on my device, the computation is done on my device, what does facebook need to do? Company "DogCo" requests facebook to show ads, and the user requests and ad for dogs. Facebook just brings them together. How does my browser actually know that dogwiki.co is about dogs? Hell, I browse on r/dogs, so facebook doesn't even need to intercept SSL encryption to know that I am visiting dog sites. They just scan it client side and the result which would otherwise be computed on their server is done at my end. That sounds just like apple's csam scanning in a different form. Facebook gets more information about me, can profile me much better, and reduces its own costs significantly. How genius is that? Sorry that this is not a very polished post, I just want to know if I am on the wrong path of thinking here. Sorry for the english I am not a native and some links might not be the best sources but serve the purpose for anyone that didn't know about it to have a quick look. Tldr: i think that client side scanning and profiling is more privacy invasive than third party cookies.

The api abuse is not by facebook. Facebook enables the api but doesn’t abuse it. The extension the user installs abuses it. No need to worry, even if you still use facebook. Just don’t install crap on your computer. If it was solely to ban bad extensions, brave could delist (probably) thousands of extensions.

I wish qwant wouldn’t have so many problems. It could be a really good search engine

Disableing DRM

Tbo, I have librewolf and a hardened firefox and I haven’t seen a website braking.

Or disabling js which will brake a couple of sites.

It highly depends about which algo we are talking about.

Way back when I was on facebook and they introduced their algorithm of content filtering/showing it hid content from friends I didn’t interact with but I wanted to see. I had 200 friends, so there wasn’t much to filter. So no, hiding information from the user is not good in this regard.

Wasn’t that my point in the first place? You need to trust piped. If you selfhost, it’s just you

The chromium licensing might be a problem. Bromite is good but it’s only on android and 1. I’d like to support firefox. I use mull. Bromite doesn’t support idontcareaboutcookies and I hate those banners.

What’s the advantage of pale moon? A very good pre hardened firefox fork is librewolf. All extensions work.

Yes, it’s proprietary but there is no real foss alternative that is actually that good. I’ll have a look into tunlookup but if it’s only for win and mac it’s not that practicle. Everyone needs a solution, at least for android. Reducing the power of google is more important than foss/proprietary and linguee doesn’t abuse it’s power in the sense thst google does.

You can selfhost it, but what’s the point? Don’t you still get all the recommendations from google?

I agree. I support firefox.

What I do not know is which browser or engine is actually better? Because if chromium is actuall better wouldn’t it be benefitial (even for firefox) to fork it and just go their own ways after the fork? But as I said, I have not the expertise to judge that.

Can I hide a community?
If you block a community you can't see anything related to that one. If I block xy and look at profile A, and profile A mostly posts in xy, I can't see all those posts because I blocked the instancs. But if the instance justs sucks bevause MOST of the time people just post bs, you din't want to see it in lemmy and need to block it. Can you just hide it so that it's not in the feed anymore?

Can I delete a post?
I posted on !asklemmy which was the wrong forum. Can I delete that post? If not should I just leave it there as is or replace title and body with nothing? I'm on lemmur. Edit: somehow my post is gone and I can't see it anymore.

Is it normal that I see posts two times?
I'm on feddit which is federated with lemmy.ml. I see many posts twice and with different comments. Is that normal/intended? Edit: I'm on lemmur

Can I block a whole instance?
There's an instance which has mostly weird stuff and I need to block a sub each other day. Can I block the whole instance?

Is it normal that I see a post two times?
I'm on feddit which is federated with lemmy.ml. I see many posts twice and with different comments. Is that normal/intended?

Can I block a whole instance?
There's an instance which has mostly weird stuff and I need to block a sub each other day. Can I block the whole instance?

What's the difference between desktop environments?
I wonder why devs need to work on multiple different environments. I only have (user)experience with KDE and GNOME but what's the difference between them? - It's not the default layout, you could ship another default version - goals can be to maximize customizability (features) while minimizing ressources. Or the other way round. (Or simplicity) - is it because devs like different frameworks (qt, gtk)? Or language?