• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 28, 2022


If you can make it work, providing hosted options and consulting should help with adoption and funding. Compensating contributors is something all projects have to deal with I guess.

The Verge removed (some) pro pixelfed comments and I don't know why
As a fan of pixelfed I occasionally checkout to see if it is causing any buzz on comments, generally around instagram-is-doing-something-bad posts. The verge posted [this article](https://www.theverge.com/2022/7/26/23279815/instagram-feed-kardashians-criticism-fuck-it-im-out) and there were some pro pixelfed comments that have been removed. ![comment1 - the post under supermassive no longer exists ](https://sopuli.xyz/pictrs/image/bd5fbc2e-d61e-4a70-9bd5-3c3213c83b64.jpeg) ![comment2](https://sopuli.xyz/pictrs/image/13d4fb83-1a99-45e6-b76f-822f55b10ba9.jpeg) There is still one comment, which is a simple link to the .org. But I don't see why the comments were removed unless they were auto flagged as bot-spam perhaps. Yet other comments pimping and linking to other options remain. ![Links to other](https://sopuli.xyz/pictrs/image/556fb9fa-56b9-4693-9b4e-800df5132c75.jpeg) Makes me a bit grumpy, with all the work Dansup has been putting in.

Data permanence
Excluding existing archiving sites, do you have an expectation or think that data stored on lemmy should be permanent? E.g last 20+ years. Would it matter if old inactive content was culled? If you had the ability to export data if a sever was due to go down, what would you actually do with it.

You can set your default community to view to ALL and your default sorting to NEW via your accounts settings area.

Good idea - have updated and I also think the mod of lemmy pixelfed should add the pixelfed icon to their channel while I make this one less official.

Re: bad news nothing major just the unknown of whether it’s the right approach.

That’s correct, it is meant to complement the pixelfed community on lemmy, rather than cannibalise it. The main pixelfed community discusses the site and application (as far as I am aware), while this is about promoting the users of pixelfed / posting pretty pics on the local feed. You will find links to related communities e.g lemmy.ml/c/pixelfed in the sidebar.

The secondary goal is to seperate tech / foss content on lemmy with generalist content on sopuli, with the aim of attempting to provide content for new users from join-lemmy. If this is bad news I’m sure I’ll hear about it :D

You’re brave :D Having said that its great that there is now an answer to the free-speech-ban-waah question.

As an ex-lemmy.ml resident I love the way more posts and communities are an ALL click away, but yeah it does require locals to post locally where possible to get any kind of traction. Lemmy.ml users can still subscribe to the communities.

Same here but for music (though happy to see the dev progress it as they can)