• 3 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jan 24, 2021


I had it on my Galaxy Nexus for a while early on, when it was still a Canonical project. It was nowhere near daily driver ready, but it was a fun experience. I was hoping it world grow to become a competitor to the duopoly, but oh well…

I remember using the FirefoxOS browser extension too, another fun little project that was dropped.

This is the first time I see Signal in Brazilian news since the controversy regarding WhatsApp’s policy change one year ago (Signal’s adoption is null here, while WhatsApp is king, with Telegram somewhere in between), all because “WhatsApp’s founder is back leading a messaging app”, so for now we can say this move is at least good marketing for them.

Lemmy peaked the moment I joined, and I will forever take the merit for that. /s

(Any idea what happened between January and February last year?)

comes to Lemmy

posts “Lemmy is growing!”

refuses to elaborate


Jokes aside, was there supposed to be something more to this? lol

Ah, yes, I saw that episode of Black Mirror. No thank you.

It’s sad that we even have peer pressure to buy new shitty AAA games on launch.

For real. I’m glad my friends aren’t those drones buying the exact same EA/Activision/Ubisoft games every year, and instead we played over the years things like Don’t Starve, Trine, Left 4 Dead, Stardew Valley and a whole lot of Dota 2. I cannot imagine what it’s like to have your gaming experience so limited to online godamn shooters, I’d rather just find another hobby if it gets to that.

But china certainly wants to control what’s running on their systems.

I mean, yes, that’s why ditching Microsoft and going Linux is the right move, they can create their own distribution and have complete control.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/86063 > And grass is green, more news at 11.

New communities: c/residentevil and c/metalgear
Created two new communities for posts specific to those video game franchises, feel free to join! [c/ResidentEvil](https://lemmy.ml/c/residentevil) [c/MetalGear](https://lemmy.ml/c/metalgear)

Made a new community for anything related to Metroid, the less popular 1986 twin from Nintendo! If you like Metroid, come join the community!