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Cake day: Mar 24, 2022


Holy shit whole Baltic needs de-nazifycation, even more than Ukraine.

That cringe movie with Charlie Sheen where a bunch of kids kill trained KGB agents and soldiers with arrows and defeat whole Soviet army attacking USA XD No wonder, Charlie always acts in comedies, so I don’t know what I expected…

What were they thinking it will be well? What did they expect to happen? That’s like throwing your baby to nazis or to Ottomans when they were here.

Fucker from south who ran when it was liberated, same as gusanos.

they will immediately launch them to kill civilians in Moscow.

If that happens Ukraine will be bulldozed in most brutal way possible in a matter of days, Russians will not care for civilians or to limit casualties and collateral damage as much as possible .

Didn’t give a shit about it anyway, can’t wait for Jurassic Park 6 tho.

quotes our nazi philosophers who supported Hitler during WW2. The fuck?

He is ex-KGB, so there is a little chance, a little, but still chance…