• 4 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Nov 30, 2020

The first time this runs, it'll ask for details, but after that it should just upload your video. The information it needs is dumped into a file, to be sourced later, so if you want to change a variable, you can just remove that line of the file (`pt_info.txt`), and it'll ask for it again. A few notes: - The name of the file becomes the title of the video. - You *need* a second argument, which is the video's description. - You'll need fuzzy-finder (`fzy`) so it can let you select things. - If you don't have `pass` installed, it'll store your password in plain text. - If you do have `pass` installed, it'll remember what your passwords name is, and just use that. - It only takes 1 category ('education', 'sports', et c.), so all subsequent videos will have the same category unless you change that. - The default licence is CC0. (fuck copyright) Example: > ./ptup.sh myVideo.mp4 "This is my description of my video." It's only been tested once, so I'd give it a 50/50 chance of working.

NFTs are bullshit. Help me with a reductio ad absurdum
Love, Death and Robots just ended with a little NFT QR code, and before that I saw a message for Ukraine-war NFTs. I don't know what that last bit even means, and I'm so fed up of this bullshit. The plan's to make a protocol for a replacement, just to demonstrate how stupid the entire thing is. Here are NFTs stated goals: - show ownership of art, verified on a blockchain. - allow transferance of ownership Here's why NFTs are bullshit: - you don't need to gind CPUs to have a blockchain. - URLs verify an image - none of this shows ownership. # The New Protocol - Stick image sha256sums in a git repo, verified by gpg keys (now we have a blockchain). - Allow a few people to verify image ownerships, gpg keys (verify other people's stuff if you like, so it's a standard ring-of-trust situation). - Don't bother with proof-of-work. Just let the shasum rest. - Only merge images into the main branch if there's a requested sale (otherwise it gets full of crap). - Display ownership with exifdata. Here's the [repo](https://gitlab.com/andonome/artblocks), just as an example. # Questions - Does this cover 100% of what NFTs were supposed to cover? - Is there an even simpler way of doing this? - Can I add stuff with git-lfs without also downloading it (so the repo remains small, even with 10,000 images)? Just to reiterate - this is a solution to a problem nobody has. It's not a real suggestion, just a proof of concept to show that art-transferance could be handled better with some gaffatape and a git.

Streaming anything with 4 lines of bash
I'm running a similar script, and it's great. Takes a minute to find less popular films, but broadly works fine.

I think a lot’s about the environment. Poetry would - before TV - be read aloud. If you’re with friends in a park, but you’re bored, a nice poem would probably be a lot more entertaining than listening to the birds.

Open poetry nights can still be kinda fun if you’re sitting with a beer, and the poet’s funny.

I like the fall
The mist and all
I like the night owl’s lonely call
And wailing sound
Of wind around

I like the gray
November day
And bare, dead boughs that coldly sway
Against my pane
I like the rain

I like to sit
And laugh at it
And tend my cozy fire a bit
I like the fall
The mist and all

Egalitarian movements are plenty popular, so the answer you’re looking for lies in the names.

To start with - let’s look at the Syllable count:

  • Black Lives Matter: 4 syllables
  • Feminism: 4 syllables
  • Antifa: 3 syllables
  • Anarcho Syndicalist Commism: I’m not counting that lot
  • [ something ] Egalitarianism: 8+ syllables

So this isn’t catchy.

Next up, the Gender Egalitarian side was a title used for a lot of whataboutism. Once a movement’s associated with bad actors, it’ll have a hard time gaining traction, so we have the jimbo problem.

What are you into?

There’s a mirror of the hated one (not official, but I asked him and he says he doesn’t mind the copy).

There’s the Linux Experiment

I do tabletop rpg stuff

Just had a look.

First thought - “If you have to explain that you’re not ironic, maybe reflect on what that says about your”

Second thought - “If they haven’t figured that out by now, no use telling them”

I turned my notes into an online cheat sheet
I take lots of notes, so I've made them into a cheat sheet, and stuck them on my website. ## Why not use existing documentation? I want a more chronological order. If you `curl cht.sh/git`, you find `stash` is covered before committing, and there is no init or clone, so at that point you don't actually have a git to work with. I'm also not a fan of documentation explaining what something does. This is meant to be for people who already know what something does (why else would you be looking for docs on it?), and just want to know the basic commands to set up and start. I want docs that give you the bare bones in ~5 minutes, with the assumption that man pages and Stack Exchange will take care of advanced usage. I've worked on making it more accessible, but it's still a work in progress. If you'd like to make a correction, or add a program, the whole thing is on a git, [here](https://gitlab.com/andonome/lk). PRs are welcome.