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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 03, 2022


Having war criminals, pedophiles, serial rapists, etc as a leader is one thing. But a crypto bro? Disgusting!

In a just world, a Tennessee family would be watching for firefighters burn. These mafia wannabe fucks probably set the fucking fire.

What’s really crazy is that as someone outside the US I only heard about one of these.

You missed your re education session with the Volcel Police, obviously 🙄

The first 3 are expected, but number four is the really psychotic one. Between that and America’s veto bullshit it’s a wonder that anyone outside the fascist western empire gives a single shit about the UN. What a farce.

Why does Bezos require a bailout? He’s not bankrupt. They can’t even bother trying to hide the blatant giveaways (looting) anymore. Bet bozos only had to bribe each politician like 10k to do this too, cheap removed that they are.

Incredible how little they have to spend to buy the souls of politicians, considering how insane their profits are and the 0% taxes they pay. Imagine selling out for so little to fucking Walmart and Amazon lololololol

You should fix it once more by replacing buy with steal. After all, the only thing they buy while looting and pillaging the global south is more missiles. Here is a photo of the US ‘buying’ the Iraqi treasury. https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-1cad5a27265d124dc96462626c16d469