💉Duterte’s Plug💊

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 23, 2022


I remember back in the day he made an anti-weed video. Then later he made a video on how weed is kinda cool and not that bad overall and its overhyped. I remember being a huge stoner who was pissed off at the random flip in his judgment and acting like nothing happened, So I commented that he’s inconsistent and he literally said what how and I explained and he deleted the comment. Also I think he deleted one of the vids

Recently on Multipolarista, Benjamin Norton mentioned that British Head of Army, Patrick Sanders predicts WW3, Biden (statements later officially taken back) said that he wants to support Taiwan and remove Putin. I always believe that cooler heads will prevail not just out of hope for communism, but out of fear for life itself. I hope the West understands what escalation will lead to.

This is Gold

Thanks lol, I’m gonna read this and take all of it to heart like it’s Marxist theory just to not watch it

A lib friend is like “omG u NeeD to WaTch This MovIe!!” Im like “😕🫤yea…uh…maybe…😕” what pisses me off most about this film is that I know how susceptible my friend is to this. He def won’t join the military, but his opinion on them will absolutely change(this is what liberalism does to your brain) I don’t wanna watch this fuckin movie! Can someone send spoilers in case he asks if I saw it? Bc he was gonna make me watch Top Gun but I said I just saw it

If they loved Judaism so much, maybe Zelensky would be voting in line with Israel more often, they already have enough in common given the rampant Fascism in both countries. Btw USA had a black president that racists blamed everything on and nothing fundamentally changed for black people. I’m guessing Zelensky is quite the same. In politics it’s called Tokenism, it’s to make a minority group FEEL REPRESENTED but not really doing it

Look up US funded Euromaidan, check out the Alley Of Angels in Donbass, check out cartoons dating back to early 2010s of Ukrainian memes that depict Donbass citizens as overdrinking stupid Russian caricatures.

If it wasn’t for Lenin, there wouldn’t even be Ukrainian identity, shit-for-brains

What would be the best way to convince someone that Russian involvement is worth it? I am trying to let others know about Donbass being attacked and the Alley of the Angels, but I want more
The alley of angels is heartbreaking and sheds light on Ukraine’s supposed innocence. What other facts or events justify Russia in your opinion? And lastly, since I’m not too well informed on this, to what extent should I be supporting Russia? I wanna be able to guide other people in this conversation but I don’t wanna talk outta my ass, thanks in advance