Resonate – the ethical music streaming co-op
Resonate is a streaming music service cooperative owned by the people that use it – musicians, indie labels, fans + developers. Stream it until you own it.

I discovered Resonate today, immediately became a member and have been discovering lovely new music all evening.

I quit Spotify a few years ago when I realized that most artists get pennies while a few really big names get enormous payouts.

Seeing an artist and user owned streaming service, completely open sourced under GPL 3.0 and with a thriving community where everything is developed in the open – it really made my day.

Yes, their catalogue is still tiny compared to every other streaming service, but the music I have listened to today is of really good quality. I will still listen to and buy music from other services like Bandcamp, but I became a member of Resonate also because I really want such a service to exist and thrive!

What do you think?

It’s not open source afaik. I couldn’t find a link to a git repository on their website, had to go on twitter to find a tweet where they had a link. Apparently they open source some of their tools only.

PS. Just want to point out the acc joined 3h ago and this is their first post, 1h ago.




For the first few listens of a track, the price remains less than a 1 cent in total for the listener. Yet on Resonate, listening to a song only a few times multiplies the artist’s earnings by three to four times compared to the biggest corporate services.

By your sixth listen of a track, its price to play is still less than 10 cents a stream, but the artist is being paid twenty times what they’d be paid on a corporate streaming platform.

Aah there it is. Where did you find it?


click listen at the top of the page and it changes to a .coop website. I suppose the other one is like a landing page. Any way I’m happy this is for real :p

Thank you for recommending this! This is exactly the kind of thing I hope to find on Lemmy. I wanted to figure out how much it costs because it’s a little unclear even on the pricing page. But I see it looks like you pay as you stream up to $11.20.

I will say, I love this way of thinking about their catalog:

the explorer

“I want something new every day.”

10€ ($11.20) at Resonate provides around 4 hours of listening a day – 30 days a month – to wander our catalog.

How can you say a catalog is limited when you get 4 hours of new music a day?? It’s a good way of thinking of it.

It doesn’t appear to be FOSS, but they do say under “what’s next”:

How can we support and collaborate with each other, not just between artists and listeners, but across like-minded platforms?

How can you say a catalog is limited when you get 4 hours of new music a day?? It’s a good way of thinking of it.

I was referring to the limited amount of artists, no big names as of yet – but that does not bother me. I like listening to new and lesser known artists. There is so much good music out there!

But I see it looks like you pay as you stream up to $11.20

It is not a hard cap at $11.20, it is just one example of how much you would spend in a month listening to new music for 4 hours a day. Their model is based on gradually increasing the price every time you stream a song. First stream of a song costs you 1 cent. The sixth time you listen to a song, it’ll cost you 10 cents and by the ninth listen you have paid for it in full (about a dollar in total) and you will not have to pay any more to listen to it, as you now own it.

In other words; exploring new music is quite cheap, and when you find a track, artist or album that you really like, you will pay a fair price and own it after the ninth listen. And if you do not stream for a while, you’re paying nothing, as there is no monthly fee. I have to say I really like this pricing model!

It doesn’t appear to be FOSS

Yes it is, but I will add a proposal where I suggest that this is mention on their landing page, or at least have a link to the repo in the footer.

Btw, it is a great feeling to be a member of such a project, not just a “user” like with Spotify. As a listener and member, I have voting rights and can also influence the development of this project.

All about open source! Feel free to ask questions, and share news, and interesting stuff!

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