The irruption in Israel caught many of us off guard. But to some extents it was a long-expected flashpoint escalation meant to begin the denouement of the Ukrainian conflict, by taking heat off from it. There are many circulating accounts of all the things that seem “off” about Hamas’ attack, so I won’t recount every single point here as most of you have likely read them in multiple places; things like the very implausible breach of Israel’s high tech gates and defenses, to the unprecedented failures of Mossad and Shin Bet, to Netanyahu’s eerily scripted invocation of ‘Pearl Harbor’, which is very telling considering that Pearl Harbor was also a falseflag attack with the purpose of bringing the U.S. into WW2.
El segon genet de l'apocalipsi


    La guerra, les revoltes armades, etc. és un ingredient present en boi tots els processos de col·lapse.

    Escassetat de recursos? Lluita pel poc que queda, intent d’acaparar-los, descontentament…

    Per què hauria de ser diferent aquest cop, quan, de fet, la humanitat no ha deixat mai la companyia del genet que munta el cavall de color del foc?


    La guerra, las revueltas armadas, etc. es un ingrediente presente en casi todos los procesos de colapso.

    Escasez de recursos? Lucha por lo poco que queda, intento de acapararlos, descontento…

    ¿Por qué debería ser diferente esta vez cuando, de hecho, la humanidad no ha dejado nunca la compañía del jinete que monta el caballo de color del fuego?


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