Physicists: 90% Chance of Human Society Collapsing Within Decades - EcoWatch
Deforestation coupled with the rampant destruction of natural resources will soon have devastating effects on the future of society as we know it, according to two theoretical physicists who study complex systems and have concluded that greed has put us on a path to irreversible collapse within the next two to four decades.
Pròdrom (CA/ES): el futur que ja és aquí! / el futuro ya está aquí

    m. [LC] [MD] Signe precursor d’un mal, del part, etc. Els pròdroms de la guerra. Els pròdroms d’una malaltia.

    Sinònims: anunci, auguri, auspici, averany, indicació, prenunci, presagi, pronòstic, senyal, signe, símptoma, vaticini


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