Most people in Britain think that the UK will start to break up in the next year or so, according to an extensive new report by research group BritainThinks. The company carried out a poll of more than 2,000 people and a series of focus groups and found that people were generally pessimistic about the […]

Obviously a very pro-indie site…

Post Brexit, somewhat surprisingly to some, it turns out that Northern Ireland are suddenly the most interested in leaving the UK, in favour of unification and a return to the EU fold.

Scotland’s coalition government have promised another referendum in the next year or so… I think it will be harder for the Leave campaign (even though many Scots can’t abide Tory rule), since the electorate feels that the decision has been made. To my mind, ~50:50, was the people saying “We don’t know”.

There’s been a pro-independence percentage among the Welsh, (and the Cornish) for as long as I can remember… but perhaps not as big a group as in Scotland.

And if you were to ask the people of England, there’s more than a few that would like to leave the UK there too.

Certainly it’s becoming apparent to many that leaving Europe has impoverished the UK - I wonder if any of the 4 countries will wonder if leaving the UK would impoverish them further?

It’s interesting that Keir Starmer was suggesting the other day that Yorkshire might have more autonomy. What’s actually, desperately, needed, is voter reform (and constitutional reform too, actually - though that’s less imperative.) The people are disenfranchised. Neither of the two main parties are interested in providing that, though.

☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

I expect that as the economic situation in UK continues to decline, Scotland and Ireland will increasingly look to separate and rejoin the EU. As I recall, the only reason why Scotland voted to not separate in the last referendum was due to fears of being kicked out from EU.

Who knows…!

If I were a Scot, I would have voted to leave. As a Brit, I’m glad they stayed… they civilise the UK, afaic.

I’m undecided:

From a pragmatic point of view… A United Kingdom of Great Britain, and a united Ireland seems sensible, administratively.

From a political standpoint, local seems best… Even if none of the states can provide for themselves, either on their own or together.

I don’t think it will actually happen but it’s interesting that people believe so.

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