I understand some people may not even realize it’s a word that puts yankees before all the rest of America, or that English didn’t have a better word like Spanish (Estadounidense) and other languages do, but I feel that since this is a pretty big community and one where the word will be out there a lot could be an opportunity to help spread a better word that does not minimizes a lot of oppressed people.


Brazilian guy here. In my country we use the word “Estadunidense”, similar with Spanish speakers. But, most of the people here still prefer the use of “Americanos” (Americans in English). I, on the other hand, always use the term “Estadunidense”

Weird, here almost no one says americanos to refer to Usonians, we mostly say yanqui or estadounidense, but I’ve heard people use it even though it is grammatically incorrect in Spanish. English imperialism is strong and it likes killing language biodiversity.


Weird, here almost no one says americanos to refer to Usonians, we mostly say yanqui or estadounidense, but I’ve heard people use it even though it is grammatically incorrect in Spanish. English imperialism is strong and it likes killing language biodiversity.

Of course comrade! Here, in Brazil, Most people who speak Portuguese-Brazil intersperse English with their native language, turning speech into something strange and nonsensical. Many of the words they use in the English language here we have the same in Portuguese but, due to imperialism and other things here in Brazil, many use English in certain things. Like for example the word “Rebranding” which in Portuguese is “replanejamento”, or the change of “Reunião diária” to “daily”… And many other words that are being changed to English. We are losing our original language.

Obs.: Sorry for my English, i use some translaters for my help… but i don’t know if my write is good enough.

Yeah, the same happens here, for example instead of “mercadotecnia” we say “marketing”, instread of “transmision” we say “streaming”, and so on and so fucking on. It’ fucking depressing and shitty.

And yeah, your English is okay, I’d recommend you DeepL for a translator, it works almost flawlessly.

I’m not sure how I feel about actively enforcing a rule like that, but I’d certainly support encouraging people to make the distinction.

Admittedly, I use “Americans” for US citizens a lot too just out of habit, I probably shouldn’t.

I like to use gringo

Fair, I too use that or yanqui but those are pejorative words, whereas Usonian is neutral.

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