I’ve been looking for a way to use Kmail + korganizer + kaddressbook + kontact, which is the alternative integrating Caldav client + Carddav client (address book) + Mail client + GPG signing/encrypting/verifying/decrypting, but it has NO support for remote web ics/ical calendars, since there’s no way to sync them. Furthermore I want to set different sync intervals pet specific calendar. Whether one sets a file or a directory ics/ical calendar, using remote URL, the same app tells you it won’t ever sync, and you’ll soon find it out any ways…

Thunderbird is no longer an option. I don’t like its “newer” signing/encrypting support, it’s not at all integrated with GPG, except for setting your private key, as it was for an external devide, since it’s current “librnp” solution doesn’t deal with external devices keeping private keys.

As a work aorund for Thunderbird’s decision, one can use “sequoia octopus librnp”, however that is still a pain, since at times a Thunderbird update leaves the “sequoia octopus librnp” useless (a rebuild some time helps, but some times a new version is requires), and one has to revert thunderbird given the incompatibility. Perhaps distros officially supporting “sequoia octopus librnp”, and building thunderbird altogether with it, might find this as a good work around, but not so for the ones not using such distros.

I think kmail has way better GPG integration, but disastrous, and the worst ics/ical remote web calendar. However the later may perhaps be worked around, much better than working GPG integration support around. Maybe…

Please let me know if you’re aware of such app. I can perfectly use an user cron job if in need, but if there’s something I can start when launching the desktop, that might be easier (kontact and company are desktop appas any ways). I don’t use systemd, so those systemd user daemons and timers are really useless to me, sorry about that limitation. If it’s plain text it’s fine, if it uses a GUI, I o prefer Qt, but I can use a GTK one as well.

Note, in other posts I’ve asked about separate applications, that would achieve some similar to kontact and company, but independent apps, like one serving a local dav, another one, or the same one serving a local ics/ical calendar, and another one serving local dav contacts, but all must sync with remote services, and then another app, being an email client which really integrates GPG, which and interacts with the local dav + ics/ical calendars and contacts. All apps cna have their own widgets, or better yet their own notification area/tray icons to interact with, and other applications can interact with them. Just like davdroid + icsdroid + etar, + lineageos contacts + openKeyChain + K9mail, do altogether on a phone. But I never got any alternative on the GNU+Linux desktop (and later on, on a GNU+Linux phone). So, AFAIK, kontact + company, although really bloated, installing zillions of stuff, is the closest, and oh well, they are Qt apps, :)

Thanks a lot !

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