Vladimir Putin has launched his invasion of Ukraine, seemingly expecting that his forces can subdue Ukrainian resistance. But the attack could severely destabilize his regime — with Russians already showing a notable lack of enthusiasm for war.
Almost too many pro-NATO elements supporting Nazism showed up yesterday, which seems like a scary trend.
It’s easy to do when Putin calls everyone he doesn’t like a Nazi. Never mind that that’s a much more limited segment of the population with little political power. Ukraine could get down to solving the problem with actual neo-Nazis if Putin would butt out of its business. Instead, Putin will likely use Nazis as an excuse to unseat a Jewish Ukrainian president. Irony much?
It’s easy to do when Putin calls everyone he doesn’t like a Nazi. Never mind that that’s a much more limited segment of the population with little political power. Ukraine could get down to solving the problem with actual neo-Nazis if Putin would butt out of its business. Instead, Putin will likely use Nazis as an excuse to unseat a Jewish Ukrainian president. Irony much?
Alright, time to pack up. You are not arguing in good faith.
Hey, I’m not the one spraying Nazi accusations everywhere.