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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Aug 07, 2021


While it is generally true that completely free* providers make money off of your personal data, some of them are run by not for profits and are funded by donations. An example of this is disroot.org.

*As in, not freemium

Renewable energy has little to no pollution. EDIT: Excluding biofuel which is not a solution to pollution or climate change.

Yes, if you are looking at all forms of pollution, you are indeed correct, as all life forms have to excrete waste. An extreme example of this is cyanobacteria likely causing a mass extinction.

However, I was referring to air particulate pollution, as shown by my source. I apologize for not being clearer. I have updated the original comment, but yes, you are indeed correct that all human cultures and ideologies have pollution at their core if you are looking at pollution in general.

Every Western country government helped cause the rapid climate change emergency we’re in, so screw them, and especially the oil companies that spread lies about the severity of rapid climate change for decades. EDIT: Same for China’s government, Russia’s government, etc. Anyone still using fossil fuels, really.

Alternate solution: stop relying on oil

Rapid climate change is continuing to get worse

There were two economic systems in countries that industrialized: soviet-type socialism (where the means of production are controlled by a state) and capitalism (where the means of production are controlled by corporations). Of the countries with soviet-type socialism, none of them are democratic. This effectively means that none of the countries that industrialized had a means of production controlled by the community. While all human cultures and ideologies could very well have pollution at their core, we do not know this is true. I think the problem is that the rich can deal with pollution and the poor cannot. Since the poor outnumber the rich, with the poor actually in control, maybe pollution can be solved. This might not be the case, but we will not know unless we try.

I never said that. All I said was that under capitalism, millions of people die from pollution, which is true.

EDIT: Here is my source: https://doi.pangea.de/10.1038/s41467-021-26348-y

EDIT 2: This statement as written is not true, and the source does not mention anything about pollution in general. However, if I instead said that “millions of people die from air particulate pollution,” then I believe that statement would be true.

Not to mention the millions of people who die from pollution. EDIT: By this I meant air particulate pollution. If you are looking at pollution in general, this is caused by all life forms. The comments below were referring to the claim above as it was originally stated.

That would be even better since you can’t block it, though Google has been trying to make analytics also not blockable, which is why privacy protecting legislation is always better.

EDIT: Well, you can block it, but then the website will think you are a spambot. There is no “block analytics block” yet.

Both of you are making logical fallacies, because it’s almost impossible to have a debate between two humans without people making logical fallacies. We think emotionally, not logically, and this is an issue that clearly you are passionate about. However, it is possible to have a discussion without resorting to insults.

Thank you to ahtoms for being the one to back down.

Unfortunately they use both Cloudflare and Electron. EDIT: Electron article uses Cloudflare so I linked to wayback machine instead