Personal pronouns: 同志 / 同志 / 同志的

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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Feb 24, 2021


Bitcoin and its alternatives could never have been a currency. It’s eminently unsuited to that role. (It’s great for Ponzi schemes, extortion schemes, and other criminal enterprises mind.) And how does “using more energy than a medium-sized nation while doing three orders of magnitude fewer transactions than even ONE payment processor” translate to “energy reform”?

Please, dude, stop being a cryptobro. It’s a really bad look. was the first point of contact for me with Lemmy. I joined it. I liked it. I saw no reason to go looking for another instance.

What’s my incentive to move to another instance supposed to be? Because I can?

Thanks for the tip. Problem got solved though without the log. It was a weird one.

Meh. Don’t beat yourself up over this. Thanks for the fix. I was able to post again.

If I were a browser console, where would I be hiding?

(I’m an embedded developer, not a web one.)

Phase 1:

URL and title provided

Phase 2:

Body of post provided

Phase 3:

Spin spin spin

And that’s where it sticks forever. Longest test run was over an hour.

Indeed whenever I try to upload anything (including the images used in this report that I eventually had to host at imgur) I get this popping up briefly:

Syntax Error

That might be a useful data point.

I’ve been unable to make any posts of any kind today. Was there a server update that turned that off?

My big problem with “algorithms” (by which I don’t mean the pedantic “well, pushing top-rated content to the top is ackshyouallee an algorithm, technically”) for controlling feeds is that algorithms are biased in subtly devastating ways. We like to think that “algorithms” are neutral because computers are neutral, but the truth is “algorithms” are designed and implemented by human beings and reflect what those human beings think is “normal” or “correct” or “important” or the like.

Every “algorithmically”-curated system I deal with I can break with ease just by thinking a wee bit outside the box and flustering the poor so-called AI by selecting things on criterion that they’re likely not programmed for because in the biased view of the AI’s programmers the criterion wasn’t “important”.

Please specify which “crypto”?

Cryptography is doing just fine, thank you very much. I presume you meant “cryptocurrency” here?

“Banned from Twitter” is usually code for “right-wing extremist” IME. I mean look at Gab or Parler and see what’s mostly in there.

I would really recommend finishing off the web page at least before advertising. I understand this is a volunteer-based movement, but it’s a volunteer-based movement that needs more volunteers. When I see things like this…

…I kind of look askance at the people organizing and documenting the movement.

The site is full of partially-complete entries like that (with this one looking like it was abandoned mid-edit and pushed to the CDS).

With WriteFreely (and presumably Plume) people can follow via ActivityPub and comment on platforms like Mastodon, Lemmy, and other such locations. On top of that Mastodon, for example, can be used to spread the link bringing new eyes to the blog, as well as permitting comments to be spread around even outside the usual circles of the blog’s readers.

I really don’t see what hosting comments directly brings to the table.

I’m not sure I follow.

People can subscribe to my WriteFreely articles on Mastodon and can comment to their heart’s content. And since I too subscribe to them, I can see the comments. I just don’t see the need to host them myself on my blog.

You can federate just fine. I’ve followed and boosted WriteFreely articles on Mastodon.

I’m not sure how RSS helps in publishing a blog?

Why disable when you can use something that doesn’t have them in the first place? It would be like buying a car that periodically sends electric shocks to the hands on the steering wheel, but which you can disable. Why would I buy the car in the first place when I can get one that doesn’t periodically send shocks to my hands ever.

There are those who think not having comments is a selling point. ;)

Incompetence is not the same as malevolence. That’s my point.

Yes, it highlights a serious credibility gap. Just … it’s not a conspiracy, likely. It’s mere stupidity.