linux, rpg, starfinder, rust, veteran, anti-imperialist

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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2020


Most of the applications I use are flatpaks and they launch just as fast and I have no issues with theses. The ONLY “issue” I ran into was a sandbox problem with not being able to launch an editor. Cant remember the which app it was, but I’m sure I can fix it with flatseal.

In my humble opinion, if there ever is going to be a “year of the linux desktop” its going to be Fedora who gets there first. Canonical gave up a few years ago and is more interested in server.

I left Ubuntu in v18 could not tolerate snaps. Whereas flatpaks just work for me, and the apps are kept up to date. With some quick tweaks you too can make dnf run much faster.

This is a bit alarming. I would think the flatpak versions would be quick to get these security updates.

Librem One by Purism - Any current reviews of this for privacy?
Has anyone reviewed this suite of services? Where do they host their email servers?