Hi, I’m B. A 30 something trans anarchist girl of German descent living in the shadow of Wyeast

  • 1 Post
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Feb 16, 2021


I definitely wouldn’t feel safe on an instance that tolerates fascists and/or racists.

Personally, I don’t use the label “tankie” to describe people. I just think it’s outdated and doesn’t really relay where I might have disagreements with authoritarian leftists and staunch nation state supporters. Where I don’t feel welcome on some other lemmy instances has more to do with those authoritarian leftists and staunch nation state supporters not making enough room for a nuanced discussion about the balance and tension of individual autonomy and collective action (where does the liberation/rights of the individual end and the state/commune begin?). I don’t really feel like I would be silenced here for exploring that nuance though.

I really like this project. I think there are some areas for improvement in community building tools and moderation, but the software isn’t even at 1.0 yet. So, that makes sense. It will be interesting to see how the structure of the software influences community building. How will the up vote aggregation affect what is seen? How will that differ between instances?

As far as the politics of this instance. I’ve found it fine as an anarchist. As lemmy spreads and there are more instances I might find a more fitting home, but I feel welcome here in all my identities for now. There are certainly other lemmy instances I don’t feel welcome at so :woman shrugging: .

I'm pretty new to lemmy, and created a community to reflect a topic I like to discuss: anti-consumerism. I'm hoping it's similar to /r/anticonsumption on Reddit, but with a strict anti-capitalist lens and less shaming. If you want: - Articles and essays critiquing consumerism. - Instructions to repair or DIY goods instead of buying them. - Alternatives to consumerism (gift economies, mutual aid, libraries, sharing, etc) - Self reflection on consumerist habits and personal growth in moving away from consumerism. - Propaganda and memes that inspire people to consume less. Then, [!anti_consumerism@lemmy.ml](https://lemmy.ml/c/anti_consumerism) might be a community for you!