• 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jan 16, 2022


It’s not. The Whonix VMs in Qubes are not run inside another VM. They’re run in the hypervisor like all other VMs in Qubes.

I just noticed you mentioned my misskey account. How did you know it was me ?

Hi ,thanks. I searched for onoffled@lemmy.nl and subscribed to myself, so this means it is federated, right ? Do you know Is there a way to create a post from another instance, or is it limited to comments ?

Thanks, this helped me! That’s what I was looking for :)

Hmm, I think I’m getting the whole point of it. I found this lemmy account on the miskey home serve I use. Thanks for the guidance!

Hmm, not sure. I’m kinda new to this fediverse thing. How can I know if my misskey home server is federated with lemmy.ml ? If it is, how can I share ?

I spent a few days last summer recording and validating. The amount of people recording in a language they barely comprehend or speak, or with dogs barking/sirens in the background is hilarious.

Well it looks like you’re in good hands with @ksynwa@lemmy.ml!

This might be a bit off-topic for this comment thread, but is reinstalling everything an option ? If you have a backup of your data, this might get you up and running quicker. If you don’t have a backup, you could plug in another drive and copy files using the live media.

Sharing a post to fediverse ?
I often find link posts I would like to share with my fediverse followers (Mastodon et al.). I was looking for a "share" icon or something similar. I know I can just share the url of the webpage, but maybe an integrated share button would be useful to others too ? Or does it exist and I didn't find it ? Thanks

I just tried it on a few sites, and it works! Nice find!