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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 26, 2021


He didn’t say which crypto. Do you have serious concerns? Otherwise he’s right.

If the backend just sends the data to google there’s no point in using an alternative frontend imo.

Not foss but linguee for words and deepl for sentences or phrases. Never input any personal or confidential stuff. Never.

He’s still on the board -> no way that’s coming

I didn’t know android introduces a permission for the fingerprint, I’m still on android 10. Good to know that you can disable that in the recent versions

I used atom a lot but ever since microsoft bought it, I’m moving to vscodium. And Kate for quick file editing

Wow. I wouldn’t have come up with that myself, thx.

Is this currently being abused by any OS or apps?

If you only want a backup, go for syncthing. You must have a lot of images if you can’t store them all on a phone. Videos can be a problem though.

Best option I can think of is to save your videos in a different folder than the images and use syncthing. But set the settings such that if you delete it on your phone, it won’t be deleted on your server. Then selfhost jellyfin and you’ll have your own “netflix” with your own videos!

Thank you for this idea! I’ll implement that myself!

As someone else already mentioned, it depends a whole lot about what you want to with it.

  • If you want a cloud, go for a selfhosted nextcloud.
  • if you want a backup solution, go for something like syncthing and use simple gallery, etc.
  • if you solely want to look at them in a browser go for photoprism
  • etc.

Good to know.

Yes, but they could federate with each other. Could be useful for the Franco-German Brigade

Are they federated? French and german matrix?