• 4 Posts
  • 1 Comment
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Feb 01, 2021

Blockchain social networks?
Hey there. What do you think of blockchain social networks, like steemit, etc? Do you have to be into crypto to join them? I was thinking of trying one out.

Fediverse social media?
Hi. I was wondering what are some good fediverse social media sites? I know of two, mastodon and movim, are there any others?

Trolling but with kindness?
Hey everyone! So I recently joined a very toxic reddit alternative (not this one) and there's a lot of hate speech on there that makes me want to scream into the void, but anyways. I decided to kind of "troll" people on this platform by asking what their unresolved trauma is and why they have such misdirected hatred toward one group or another. Wish me luck? Do you think we should "troll" more people with kindness?

Thinking of joining a reddit alternative...
Hey humans! I found a reddit alternative I was thinking of joining, but there are some forums on there that I disagree with one hundo percent, and I'm wondering if I should still join the site? Would I still be an ally if I join the site? The forum names are mostly racist slurs, etc and so forth.

They are pretty toxic, it seems. I was told to “go back to firefox, they are wokies like you”. And a couple other comments from brave’s fan base.