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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Aug 22, 2021


As a Mexican I can say the average person here believes the US is a utopia where everyone is rich, owns a huge suburban house, has material abundance, public schools are great, there’s no crime, and you can get all of this off a blue collar worker’s wage. The US has amazing PR for normies despite the internet existing where you can see reality how it is. Hollywood, celebrities, social media stars, rich border shopping towns, and the exaggerated success stories of immigrants all help sell that image. People here see that the minimum wage over there is $7 per hour and don’t understand that everything costs more as well. I’m generalizing of course. A lot of people pay attention to the news, read books, and/or have first-hand experience with the more shitty aspects of the US empire and have plenty of criticism about them, but it might not be the majority.

Motherfucker says all the quiet parts out loud, leaving it really clear for the NATO apologist libs, in case they had any doubt. This guy is craving for WW3 and is cocksure the US can win.