• 3 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Mar 12, 2021


Not an OS and maybe not ‘Boeing’ to use, but checkout the tools from https://suckless.org/

Feneas - the "Federated Networks Organization" - is dissolving!
Just got an official email by the heads of Feneas about them ending the Association and their (federated) services. It's kinda sad to see them go, as I was quite fond of the idea of having a "melting pot" organization for the fed. Well, guess they never managed to live up to their goals unfortunately... If anyone has accounts there: Please migrate to another provider. NOTE: I haven't found any official statement online yet, so I just linked the official webpage of Feneas for the time being.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/73171 > Stay away from Audacity!

It's an official campaign run by the EDRi (European Digital Rights) and it's [members](https://edri.org/about-us/our-network). If you are in the EU, please sign the petition to change the law to something that respects peoples' privacy! (And please share, if possible. Thanks!)