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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Apr 12, 2022


I don’t think China should be more cautious just because the US is being melodramatic. The article tries to end with a conciliatory conclusion, but China shouldn’t voluntarily concede ground to appease an irrational response.

Too many other countries and domestic politicals have made that mistake. The US will not be appeased. If you give ground they will strengthen their position against you while demanding further appeasements.

Thanks. If it’s an open source front-end does that mean it connects to the same back-end? Are the contents the same? I’m guessing the point is to get around ads, to avoid tracking, to organize videos differently?

What’s a yewtu.be?

Great video though. It’s like the fetishization of land. Housing is removed from it’s actual usefulness and treated like a commodity to speculate on. Zombie-ism is a great term for it. Housing prices shoot up for no explainable reason. The city becomes more and more empty. It’s a severe contradiction. There’s no even a place to live in a totally commoditfied world.

The Republicans won’t be nationalizing anything. What are the Republicans going to do? Break the Unions? They’ve already done that. Purge the communists? They’re a generation too late. Drop wages? Wages are at the breaking point, they can’t be dropped any further. What are they going to do? Are they going to militarize the police? Police budgets are already greater than almost every other country’s military budget, including Russia’s. There’s nothing left for them to accomplish here. The United States is interested in controlling international trade routes and foreign capital. It can’t simply reverse course and become isolationist. There is no resolution short of throwing off the reigns of capitalism which fascism never did nor was it able to resolve the inherent contradictions within the capitalist system. You cannot have isolationist fascism. The currency is so thoroughly debased that we can expect inflation to continue to increase and for the glaring contradictions to become more and more acute as we head into a terrible depression with no apparent way out. Fascism doesn’t offer the solution you seem to think it does. Fascism is capitalism it doesn’t have a magic bullet to alleviate the contradictions present in capitalism it doesn’t provide a solution.

The fascists sought to resolve their problems by devouring their neighbors. They didn’t do it by nationalizing everything and making a utopia at home. That’s a myth. The fascists couldn’t have maintained power without WW2 and at the end it still collapsed in a heap of a ruined continent.

Those conditions of the last century don’t exist today. We’re not looking at the rise of a glorious empire. We’re looking at an empire which has over extended itself and consumed the Republic which spawned it. There is nothing left. There is no out.

Like I said. The fascists already got everything they wanted. They’ve already done it.

They can’t win their wars now. I don’t think turning openly fascist will change that. Fascism is expansionist. The philosophers behind fascism understood it as expansion and displacement as a means of relieving class tension. Both Italy and Germany were on the eve of their own socialist revolutions. You might as well say that the failing US empire will turn toward imperialism to save it’s empire. The way is already blocked. The contradiction is clear.

You can also argue that the turn toward fascism can’t be made since it was already made. The Same officials who oversaw the Third Reich oversaw NATO and the EU. When Germany was split in half who did the United States ensure kept West Germany it not the same people who controlled it during the Third Reich? After the war when Italy tried to turn to Socialism the US got involved and ensured italy remained with the fascists. The US took the Nazis and made the CIA and integrated the rest deep within the US intellegensia.

The Third Reich never ended. There is a direct line between them and the current world order. Prescott Bush was a fascist who conspired to overthrow the US government and worked hand in hand with the Germans and Italians. His son and Grandson where the presidents of the United States. How much further toward fascism do you think we can turn?

When the empire breaks there will have to be a coming to terms. I’m hoping then there will be an awaking.

The United States is going to bleed itself dry over this and get nothing for it.

Oh cool. I’ll torrent them after work, so leave your PC running for the cause.