

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Nov 20, 2021

Does federation add any value to your lemmy browsing experience?
ie. Will you really miss anything if your home instance stopped federating? Question mainly targeted at the less tech-savvy users of the largest instances Edit: I know federation is important for smaller instances and other fedi apps, but my question was directed at lemmy.ml and lemmygrad.ml users. Sorry if I wasn't clear about that the first time.

cc :[@lunatichacker@lemmy.ml](https://lemmy.ml/u/lunatichacker)

it doesn’t have to be flat, we can keep hierarchies in group chats

that’s not what i had in mind. we can have multiple threads within a group chat

lol I just replaced the image and name from this

lol, you’re right i have to build the comment tree myself too, looks like a lot of work i think i’ll pass too

nice. i’m a bit busy irl with family and work, will have a go at implementing comment backup once i get back.

actually lemmy allows getting any number of posts with one request.

I put paging back so large communities won’t use up to much memory.

i don’t see how that helps since the user has no control over the paging. you’re making a lot of additional requests to get the same data

don’t know, i would love to host it somewhere else if i make some changes, anything that permits that will be nice