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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 10, 2022


I had this thought once that he is a closet communist but can’t go against establishment now because of the situation in Russia and is just playing the long game…

But he is probably just a piece of shit.

I love the Yugopnik’s version of that quote:

“Pull yourself by the ballsack.”

Don’t we all want it? If we didn’t want it then why not just quit job and just buy food to eat? If homeless people don’t want to be homeless then why don’t they rent a place to stay? If brown people didn’t want to die then why do they live in places where we test our drones?

Not yet, not yet. I don’t think the Ukraine right now is important enough to cause it. I still believe it will begin with EU collapse.

They think that everything is a battle between the rich and the poor.

“The history of all hitherto existing societies is a history of love, peace, equality and just mildly inconvenient unfortunate accidents.”

  • Marl Karx in his book “The Free Speech Manifesto” published 1984 BC

It is the inevitable product of electoral democracy. You see, the power structure is reversed. The people directly vote in the government. But the people know what the media tell them, so the media vote in the government. But the media tell them what owners of the media allow the media to tell, so the owners of the media actually vote in the government. So the State is completely subjugated to the Corporate Interest, regardless what the function of state was in the beginning, to help people or the powerful, over 100 years it becomes to help the powerful. That is why electoral democracy has to go!