• 1 Post
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Nov 26, 2020


Dude, don’t take this the wrong way, but don’t you think you are opening many communities? People who massively open communities are generally not the kind of people we want as mods.

Thank you for the in depth reply! Hopefully that won’t take too long. I had no idea about hexbear nor chaptraphouse. You have quite a big community there!

I have been using reddit for more than a decade now and I had no idea about that sub. TIL, thank you.

What is missing from lemmy for it to become "successful"?
So, lemmy is a project I have been following since the beggining. With federation here, it seems like everything is aligned for it to become the reddit killer, pardon my expression. What do you think is missing from lemmy for it to have a massive engaging community?