• 3 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 31, 2022


Don’t do my homeboy Wolverine like that, he’d kick the asses of these Azov bootlickers

cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/233505 > cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/233504 > > > cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/233503 > > > > > I looked up Boris Kagarlitsky, and I'm not surprised to find that he was likely a Russian gusano. > > > > > > This article peddles liberal BS behind a veil of objectivity.

Given that the White Helmets are reich-wing terrorist thugs and genocidal, bloodthirsty Uncle Tom equivalents, it makes perfect sense they they teach the Ukrainian military how to “rescue” civilians.

They both “rescue” civilians them from life by bombing, shooting, and molesting them.

Zelenskyy is likely in Poland, yet he posts videos using a greenscreen to make people think he is still in Ukraine.

I was just saying I find it ironic that Zelenskyy is in a deep fake video when he is hiding behind a green screen.

Or maybe its more fitting, rather than ironic.

I figure that social media sites wouldn’t ban anyone who talks of this if it weren’t true.

Figures that the cracka hiding behind a green screen is allegedly in a deepfake video.