• 4 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2021

Master piece or train wreck. People seem to be split on if it was good or not

Why is piratebay so bad lately?
I notice it doesn't seem to be giving me good search results lately.

Truth is though, if you made a app that looked as good and could resize itself just as good it would probably be more resource intensive.

If you just have a few input boxes though, its a waste to use electron.

I bought this kit in 7th grade. was like 250$. Getting that thing installed was terrible. You had to enter like 20 commands without seeing anything because it didn’t support a tv by default. Needed something called sync on green rgb monitor if I remember correctly. Which was to expensive for my 12 year old self.

It turned out like 15 years later someone found out there was a command you could enter on the keyboard to make it work right away. I believe I heard that.

I compiled a nes emulator and played through final fantasy 1 on it with a ps2 controller. Which was fun.

Other than that I remember installed a winamp clone, listening to mp3’s. Playing a few music videos I downloaded. early 2000 stuff so like linken park.

I watched dragonball z in japanese with something that supported realplayer videos.

It only had like 32 MB of ram so using it was pretty painful but it taught me the basics of linux at a early age which came in handy later in life.

Download Spotify videos?
Anyone have a reliable method to rip Spotify videos?

Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Buy a librem 5 with hardware cut off switches if you want the privacy

That’s what waydroid and anbox are for. We only need to get a small subset of features working and then we can mooch off the android ecosystem like android mooched off linux

Most soc drivers are closed sourced and compiled into the kernel. Not exactly sure how it works. Thats why ubuntu touch went the route of just creating a layer in between.

Sometimes someone writes mainline drivers like the soc in the oneplus 6 recently.

Im typing on one now. Yeah i miss calls every now and then. It gets better with every update

That’s the issue with most ARM SOCs. Same problem AFAIK with the Raspberry Pi and Pine64 products.

I don’t think so. Those all have mainline support. I know pinephone and librem 5 does. Modem has some propriety blobs in there but there is already working FOSS replacements.

Pretty sure this thing can’t run mainline. They have compiled binary blobs in there. You won’t be distrohopping anytime soon

Color pallet is good. Reading replies and stuff kinda sucks there.

If this was/is such a problem, big instances like mstdn.social and mastodon.social would do something.

He sorta addressed that by saying that gab started out as the largest instance so they would have scaling problems mastodon.social didn’t have.

The Fediverse itself is made up of small instances.

And that might be the design of it I guess. maybe it just works better with many small instances than huge facebook size instances

Gab employee talking about problems they ran into with ActivityPub at scale. If you won't want to listen to a gab employee I'll summarize. He said that with activity pub, if you are on server **a** and have 3,000 followers on server **b** server **a** will have to make 3,000 separate http request to update server **b** with each having to separately encrypt the message. All of the encryption calls use up a lot of cpu usage and all the http request use up a lot of bandwidth. This was being used as an attack vector. People were spinning up little mastodon instances on remote vpc's and trying to over load gabs system. It sounds like batching responses would really improve things with activitypub. Making 1 request with 3,000 id's with one encryption. What do people here think about this? Can the activitypub spec be updated overtime to improve this? Or is he right that a new spec should be created. I want to hear other people's opinion on it.

Crap thing about black friday this year is not only did it still happen but stonks still dropped

Wish I would have done this. I broke down and bought a blueray burner though.

Because let’s be honest, FOSS ideals are communist

GNU software maybe. Richard Stallman definitely a leftest. His rhetoric sounds very much like Marxist speech.

It’s just hard to make that argument in my mind when all these big companies that suck up the wealth of the entire world are built off FOSS software.

YouTube for example is just using FFMpeg in the background.

Anything that takes power away from google is a positive in my mind. Brave is the only web browser with a good plan on how to combat google dominance.