I’m in this instance just because I can’t recover my password in lemmy.ml, I don’t care about communism and politics

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jan 13, 2022


ubuntu, better support, best forum for newbies, easy to use, good repos

install it everywhere and say it’s Windows 12 Update

you could just connect it to a server with static IP, or you could use free services like no-ip if you don’t wanna pay, I used to use no-ip for a minecraft server when I was a kid and it was alright

What are the FOSS alternatives to google translate that you use?
Is there any cool project that uses GPT3 or other AIs?

why would it work better without encryption? I don’t see any loss in having client side encryption tbh. common security practices are cool but there are new security vulnerabilities everyday.

What is the best software for a self-hosted file cloud service?
I want to store files on my server to avoid google cloud and other services. I'm looking for FOSS software. I want all the files to be encrypted client side with a masterpassword via an app or a web interface, the server must not have access to them. An included android app for uploading and downloading would be nice. I guess what I'm looking for is some kind of FTP server?