First I have to say good 🙂 Local weather stations and thermostats are more accurate for your place than what weather services like OpenWeatherMap are.
Compared to other weather services, Serenum API will never use your geolocation or IP address to pinpoint your location. You enter this information manually in the address field.
When the new website for Serenum releases, it will never use your IP address nor your geolocation. You will enter the desire location via a form. The current website at do geolocate you, but only on your terms. But since it’s only a beta, that feature does not always work.
Serenum are and will always be free to use, and Serenum will never log anything about you. OpenWeatherMap and Ambee (if enabled) might log something about you, though.
Apperantly, they run E2EE which means no servers are being used for storage of what people send to each other. They tell their visitors this on (below “Olvid cares for you”). > Encrypted e-mails:
Plain text unencrypted metadata in the header
Me logging in to my account on and checking the settings:
Activate Posteo crypto mail storage for your account: This function encrypts your entire email data at the press of a button, including all content and metadata. The encryption is comprehensive; it encompasses your existing email archive, all newly-arriving emails and your notes.
Lie #1. I think Olvid needs to be more updated :)
And on Olvid’s privacy policy page:
Olvid does not collect ANY personal data.
Next section:
Olvid simply uses purely technical data, i.e. users’ IP addresses
IP addresses counts as personal data -.- Lie #2. But! They states that they do not consulting, collecting, or keeping the IP addresses… but they collects them?
After installed the application, I saw that I need to give them money in order to make secure calls. But to receive secure calls are 100% free. That’s a deal-breaker for me. Uninstalled…
I tried this app yesterday when a new update was released to F-Droid. After using Forecastie for a while now, I found QuickWeather not as simple as Forecastie.
And after reading the comments here, I just wanted to say this: Geometric Weather are no longer in development and the last update was released back in April this year.
Sweet! 😍 Next: reCAPTCHA! Go, go, go!