• 8 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Aug 28, 2021

you wrote :

What part of don’t send death threats to other users, no exceptions, wasn’t clear in our rules or that particular moderation decision?

please notice i am leaving :

( I wrote a few hours ago : )


Because a_Ha’s account is now hanging by a thread it’s time to stop it.

Many exchanges here where fruitful for me, so, i hope it was the same for at least a few of you.

in Hope of a better future 😌

Since we discussed in private the banning of Serge Tarkovski with a positive outcome, it might be appropriate for you to make one more comment here.

Thank you for your concern.


Because a_Ha’s account is now hanging by a thread it’s time to stop it.

Many exchanges here where fruitful for me, so, i hope it was the same for at least a few of you.

in Hope of a better future 😌

Russia’s state TV hit by stream of resignations
2022-03-16 [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60763494) - - [source_2](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/more-russian-tv-news-employees-173706823.html) - - Hope this will snowball ::: spoiler Head of the article "When Marina Ovsyannikova burst into Russian living rooms on Monday's nightly news, denouncing the war in Ukraine and propaganda around it, her protest highlighted a quiet but steady steam of resignations from Russia's tightly controlled state-run TV. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has thanked her, appealing to anyone working for what he calls Russia's propaganda system to resign. Any journalist working in what he calls the fourth branch of power risks sanctions and an international tribunal for "justifying war crimes", he warns." :::

2022-03-15, 12.30am GMT

(head of your post)

A Russian drone flew over Poland before entering Ukrainian air space where it was shot down, Ukraine’s military has claimed.

The Ukrainian air force command said in a statement last night that the drone flew into NATO airspace, accusing Moscow of a “provocation”.

The drone first circled over the site in Yavoriv, western Ukraine, which was hit by a salvo of cruise missiles on Sunday (2022-03-13), in an apparent attempt to assess the result, the officials said. It then delved into Poland before returning to Ukrainian air space, where it was shot down by Ukraine’s air defences.

Ukrainian military sources said it was understood to be a Russian Forpost drone, which is a licensed copy of the Israeli Searcher drone. It is not flown by any (…)

2022-03-14 shorter link
“Russia’s military is approaching the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv from several directions in a possible effort to encircle the city, but its forces have been stalled for several days, partly due to stiff resistance from Ukrainian troops, a senior U.S. defense official told reporters Monday.”
… this & Rasputitsa

“/?sh=60027cee6864” at link end removed … related to tracing//privacy (?)

follow-up, from the hindustantimes :
Ukraine President Zelenskyy thanks woman who interrupted Russian TV news with anti-war sign

… was freed after 14h of “interrogation”: true hero like Zelenskyy.

i don’t follow either … why should there be rule breaks or contradictions ?
Should i worry of being targeted here ?
i am not coming back to this tread.

i just made a new post on the latest developments on this …

Anti-war in Russia :
Russian police detained Marina Ovsyannikova, the editor of Channel One who showed up with anti-war banner on air. Lawyer Pavel Chikov said that a protocol was drawn up against her under the article 20.3.3 on military censorship for discrediting the russian armed forces.
(also on teddit .net)

Russia fires official who said China refused to supply aircraft parts
2022-03-15 [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/russia-fires-official-who-said-china-refused-supply-aircraft-parts-2022-03-15/) - - [SouthChinaMorningPost](https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3170587/russian-official-sacked-revealing-chinas-refusal-supply) More anti-war in Russia ... 2022-03-16 [TheGuardian](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/mar/16/marina-ovsyannikova-russia-propaganda-putin) Marina Ovsyannikova broke the state propaganda machine - **others will follow**

A heartbreaking post made by a true war victim was the first post here until it was deleted because …well, because of his dire situation. See, he let his heart speak too much and this … against a repugnant troll.
He then said : “Please forgive my speech…” yet he was banned for a month from WorldNews.

Moderation work is certainly challenging and yet … i would have hoped for a little more compassion for his situation, yes.

Thank you for your concern.


Un post déchirant fait par une vraie victime de guerre fut ici en tête jusqu’à ce qu’il soit supprimé parce que… eh bien parce que son auteur est en situation désastreuse. Voyez, il a trop laissé parler son cœur, et ce contre un troll répugnant.
Puis il a dit : « S’il vous plaît, pardonnez mon discours… » et a été interdit pendant un mois de WorldNews.

Le travail de modération est certainement un défi et pourtant … J’aurais espéré un peu plus de compassion, oui.

Merci de votre sollicitude.

that’s very good, i was just afraid of some favoritism, no one is perfect but i guess (±) you are doing a good job.

What’s lemmy.ml stance on Ukraine ?
Users should know. Will you, or other administrators, issue a statement ?

Ukraine deserves more help : it’s a shame nuclear threat is preventing that. May you receive all the support you need.

my comment was not clear so i made an edit, sorry for the confusion.

Since this :
Admin. Dessalines on “US atrocities”
We should at least remain critical. Thanks for your work 👍.

Debunking of these falsehoods is quite important, so thanks.

(typo ?)

… appealing at first (? blush ?)

i disagree (Canada bad) yet i have to upvote since I believe this is your true genuine experience

we’ll likely see some agreement reached between Russia and Ukraine

Yes, and we all hope so.

China is great in many ways, Canada is better everywhere else.

never mind, from Associated Press :
“China says it’s ‘impartial’ on Ukraine, denies aiding Russia”
remind me in 20 days …

meanwhile in China, Covid madness

unapplicable rule

Attention Couples ! From tonight on : no hugging, no kissing, and no sleeping in the same bed !

covid madness in China


.1) link was wrong
.2) i collapse this comment since it is not quite relevant enough

to: SSnaked :
keep your “fucking” and advices.
goodbye now.

US warns China not to supply weapons to Russia for use in Ukraine

Risking nuclear war is bad news for humankind.

India//Pakistan wisdom :

… thought they could never be as stupid as USA//Russia nearing nuclear conflicts in the past. But of course, they are just human.

Hope for a “new man”, better human.

US warns China not to supply weapons to Russia for use in Ukraine
2022-03-14 [source 1](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/03/14/us-warns-china-not-supply-weapons-russia-use-ukraine/) - - [source 2](https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-60717902) - - [source 3](https://news.webindia123.com/news/Articles/World/20220315/3919471.html) - - [source 4](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/politics/us-warns-chinese-on-support-for-russia-in-ukraine-war/3598382/)

.1) someone lost an old drone, or
.2) Putin pushes toward WWIII …
Hope it is .1 … NATO now saying : will retaliate against accidental fire.

i wrote it yesterday, those claims are preposterous, so of course the UN (security Council) had to dismiss them.

from yesterday's post :

Ok, so 30 ( alleged ) / 336 “labs” (biological military activities) so aprox 10%. - - and USA is stupid enough to put those in a country that is constantly under threat from a Russian invasion ? Really ? Without the tiniest “/s” ? (etc…)

Yet, at least a few files should be very interesting for some people. And, some other will believe none of it. We shall wait and see.

no shakespeare bot here, yet lemmy may like a Dostoevsky bot ?

820 GB is indeed very large !

Anonymous TV 🇺🇦

JUST IN: #Anonymous has successfully breached and leaked the database of Roskomnadzor, the Russian federal executive agency responsible for monitoring, controlling and censoring #Russian mass media, releasing to the public over 360K files. #OpRussia

Ok, so 30 ( alleged ) / 336 “labs” (biological military activities) so aprox 10%. - - and USA is stupid enough to put those in a country that is constantly under threat from a Russian invasion ? Really ? Without the tiniest “/s” ?
Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆, i am sure you are amongst the brightest. So of course, you don’t believe this. Yet you have a strong incentive to publish it. What’s more we are in a time of war. So, 1+1=2 right ?

Can we help you ? (we.cou1d.pretend.to.be1ieve)

Any lemmy.ml bot account you saw ?
i can't find any... yet, we may never know [V.0.11](https://lemmy.ml/post/61856) ...& [OSRSB](https://lemmy.ml/post/173946) & [GPT-3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPT-3)

No it doesn’t as a whole (…)

I hope you @pancake@lemmy.ml are right. Answers to my (this) post are not numerus enough to draw conclusions.
As of now : 2022-03-08 ~19h20 UTC
in my view, your answer is the best, yet the least upvoted.
Most upvoted answer is from :
“Frick NATO” Farmer_Heck.@.lemmygrad…ml
… yet, it has to be dismissed because :
.1) user not from lemmy.ml
.2) comment not answering the question
… as those votes go, this looks bad for anti-war.

1st question in my post stems from : memes adressing Ukraine war :
pro-war votes : 12 up 20 down
anti-war votes : 7 up 9 down

Since I want to make one single complete answer, i am now adressing :
@marmulak@lemmy.ml : thanks 👍

@overflow64@lemmy.ml Dear overflow, censorship often happen in times of war, mainly to protect lives … it’s imposed now in Russia.

Edit : 2022-03-09 ~8h utc : it has been trolling under this very post, despite the fact i was not calling it before ! Could it be automated text generator bot ?

is lemmy.ml approving war on Ukraine ?
Should it be shut down a few months if it is ?

Yes. & i had to look it up (eli5) :
whataboutisms : A propaganda technique where criticisms are deflected by raising corresponding criticisms of the opposite side.
Please, add a note on “straw men”

Would be nice to have downvote & report buttons when post is collapsed as :

Spoof reporting
@nutomic@lemmy.ml if this is not too hard to implement ?

Garbage you want to block
::: spoiler spoofing accounts @lemmy4@lemmy.ca lemmy.ml/u/lemmy3@lemmy.ca :::

Accounts producing garbage you want to block
from : [collapse.cat](collapse.cat), lemmy.ca ::: spoiler Accounts to block : ( for porn, nazi & slurs ) @fckyoufgs@collapse.cat @gybear@collapse.cat update, also : @fckufgs@lemmy.ca @gybear@lemmy.ca :::

1 500 000 000 000 before c. /s

From -50 000 to -10 000 humanity did’nt knew war. Once it started (war + rape), it got into our genes, it spread worldwide. Now, we are overdue for gene therapy.

Tonga’s 2022-01-15 volcano & tsunami
~published.2022.JANUARY.18~ "An unprecedented disaster hit Tonga caused by the Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai volcanic eruption on Saturday evening 15th January, 2022 followed by a tsunami warning issued which triggered a mass evacuation" "As a result of the eruption, a volcanic mushroom plume was released reaching the stratosphere and extending radially covering all Tonga Islands, generating tsunami waves rising up to 15m, hitting the west coasts of Tongatapu Islands, 'Eua, and Ha'apai Islands."