probably the most normie-ish person on here


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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jan 11, 2022


While I don’t really agree with this article, I do think this guy is an idiot.

Purposefully corrupting two of the most used NPM libraries in existence is gonna destroy the workflows and projects of big tech that are using FLOSS software and not giving back to the community alright, but it will also destroy the workflows and projects of those that DO give back to the community! And even worse, it will teach people to not update no matter what, out of fear of their projects breaking all of a sudden.

Developing FLOSS software is just a slippery slope over all, with most of the freedom given to the user and not the developer. If you can’t handle that and expect a six figure wage in return of developing these libraries and software in general, don’t enter the world of FLOSS. Stick to your proprietary poo.

This guy is an asshole.