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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 25, 2021


Nice. What does it say?

This would in fact be mildly interesting

Well one obvious reason would be adhering to a higher moral standard. By admitting that you don’t know, you also convey a message that you aren’t the kinda person who makes unconfirmed claims for personal benefit.

That’s unfortunate, but as a silver lining I learned about the existence of mud volcanoes. Here’s a link to Wikipedia for the interested: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mud_volcano

Yeah I don’t see this replacing any of those tinker boards, which I assume are rather open as well.

Yeah, it should be clearly visible. E-books bought from certain shops come with a notice like “This copy was bought by Tiuku” on the first page (and probably they have something like this embedded as well). When it’s done in the open like this, I think it’s a pretty fair way of doing DRM.

Yeah easy switching back and forth makes the transition smooth. I use Wayland as my 99% of the time, but if I happen to run into problems I can just logout and start X.

EasyEffects is just a wonderful piece of audio software (given that you’re using pipewwire as the audio backend). The filter plugin is probably the other notable option for this task.

Nice to see Wayland improvements on the list!

Tldr; Wayland is a bit faster than X, Gnome is a bit faster than KDE.

I wonder if there is some clear reason for the Gnome/KDE difference, or is it just bits and pieces here and there?