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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2020


libs and nazis think they are infiltrating this place


get smacked around when they post.

“2+2=6 because everyone ganged up and said so!”

This is from 2017, it’s not news. “Ask the audience” isn’t news either.

Russia also claimed that Ukraine didn’t sink the Moskva, yet they still pulled their ships away from the coastline.

At the beginning Russia claimed they were just holding exercises, now it’s a “special military operation”.

Russia claims it wasn’t targeting civilians, but we have thousands of pictures and a couple intercepted phone calls that say otherwise.

They posted a false assertion that was never said then argued against it. My response was appropriate for someone trying to seed disinformation

“according to one commentator”

Read the article again Igor.

“It’s just an exercise”

“It’s just a special military operation”