I hate we don’t have any union which provides a living wage cause even the pay raise of Senior Ops was an unfair rate before they were terminated.
I don’t care how rude or stupid is our “master” but we need a better representation and compensation, we are not slave labor nor robots, we have tolerated trash in the form of injustice, bullying and harassment when we only wanted fairness, freedom and at the very least access to restrooms and accessibility for our colleagues.
“This is dumb” you may say but this is concerning and we may form a coalition and a committee which ends with your favoritism. Your practices are the virus and once we unite we’ll be the vaccine! Take it like a threat, a decent petition or grievance, our diversity and ethics will tear down this prison! Fire! Fire!
…Tot Plantation
There was a quote stating that when landlords demand a rent increase the tenants must make a sacrifice to make ends meet, when companies declare bankruptcy the employees are laid off, when politicians start a frivolous war the soldiers must pay with their lives; then again, the common people are being used by the parasite class.
The number is one.