It’s me, Mr. Gaming

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 09, 2022

I have been looking for a decent whiteboard app for ages and I've finally found it. Smooth, simple, and very polished. Who knew Godot would be a good tool to make cross platform apps?

It’ll never replace reddit, but the hope is that it’d have a big enough community that it would be a viable alternative.

There isn’t an alternative, Electron actually does its job well for what it is. It’s basically a slimmed down browser that’s customizable and runs on all systems, it’s just that it takes a ton of effort to optimize it, and for some reason most people using it aren’t very experienced.

Electron apps is essentially running web apps wrapped as a desktop version. Most of them run like garbage and are always inferior to one made specifically for desktops. The only one I’ve used that runs sensibly is Discord.

As for why people use it, it’s convenient for developers as most of them are familiar with web development and can essentially copy-paste their web application without having to change much.

This is my most used distro. It may be a “boring” choice for some but it honestly just works and has great design.