Physicien scout italo-belge, cf ma présentation plus détaillée sur Nerdica (

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Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Apr 15, 2019


> What is wrong is using them for maximizing corporate profits

It is arguably not wrong either for a company to design an algorithm in a way that serves their interest. What is definitely wrong is that the algorithms are imposed on the user.
If I want to continue exchanging with my friends that are on the platform, I need to be submitted to the algorithm.

@onoffled I thought it was you as you have similar name, similar profile pic and followed me from misskey around the time you commented on Lemmy

@onoffled @oneled You can try to paste the url of the post into your instance’s searchbar and see if it finds it. If not, try to search for a community (in the form and subscribe to it. A few days after doing that I could find any post

@onoffled I guess you mean sharing to a fediverse server who does not federate with


How different is “tayloring content feed” from editing Mastodon lists? What do you mean with “interacting with that content” if not commenting, liking, bookmarking, subscribing; all of which you can do from Mastodon? Ok there’s disliking, but I’m quite sure it is not all you meant.

> But mastodon isnt really designed for interacting with […] idols.

In which sense? Once you see the creator’s profile on Mastodon you can interact with it in exactly the same way as you would with any user, so that kind of interaction is precisely what Mastodon is designed for.

In fact I think that Mastodon is not “Duckling” for exactly the opposite reason : it is not a nice tool for discovering new creators/channels; which I do directly from Peertube, unregistered.

@libre_warrior In my case, I don’t have any Peertube account, and I usually interact (subscribe, comment) with Peertube content from Mastodon. Wouldn’t one say in this case that my Mastodon instance plays the roleof “Duckling”?