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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 25, 2022


I think he was either military or a volunteer/merc of some sort.

Harahan glows like a full moon.

Listen to how he “introduces” APSI’s Nathan Ruser, doesn’t push back on any of the outrageous and patently false claims and wild accusations he makes during the interview, and then riiiiiiiiight at the end he briefly drops a little bit of info about Ruser’s career just when everyone stops listening and skips to the end.

He did the same thing with another imperialist goon on his show, maybe not even disclosing where he worked. I’ll try to dig up where that interview is.

E: This one. Also here’s the Nathan Ruser one.

Wait, Orwell like the guy who wrote about the horrible dystopian nature of the Soviet Union and how totalitarianism is propped up by state propaganda while he spent his time working for the irl British version of the Ministry of Truth and who snitched on socialists who were “anti-white” and “possible homosexuals” to the British government?

The same guy who explained that Europe was a powderkeg around the time of the Spanish Civil War and that the Catalonian armed forces had abysmal training and discipline but that Stalin was “inscrutable” for not wanting to continue throwing materiel at a situation that was openly hostile to the USSR version of socialism and for not wanting to escalate the Spanish Civil War into a regional European war or even a world war because the USSR was still rebuilding from a disastrous world war and an equally disastrous “civil” war/proxy war?

That George Orwell??

Also to cash in on the high prices.

I’m no investment banker but it doesn’t take a genius to understand “buy low, sell high.”