• 13 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Apr 15, 2021


EXPOSED! is a weekly series of articles run here on decentralize.today where we seek to reveal the corruption and wrongdoing of individuals, corporations and governments. The latter are charged with 'controlling' the activities of the former but so often get it wrong...as shown with today's piece from the Particl Project blog.

This is really shocking. Add calyx vs grapheneos dramas and you wonder why the privacy community is not working better together. I love both sites, and I think they both have great value, but man…

Not that I know off, updates still work, you get the security updates monthly etc

This is the second part of how to render your Galaxy device more privacy-friendly.

In recent chapters I've shown you how to set up your new persona on Apple and how to make a Mac more privacy-friendly. When it comes to mobile, the best approach to 'degoogling' is a Pixel phone with GrapheneOS on it. Fullstop!

iOS is collecting for Apple, Android is Google, but Google is a advertising company. Our of the box iOS is probably better (keep in mind Apple is a closed garden and you cant really see the code). I run GrapheneOS for my daily driver. But I also have an iPad. With Adguard you can block a lot, including with the right host file Apple domains. You can also via ADB degoogle a Samsung or any other android device.

So android gives you more options when it comes go blocking trackers, apps, etc. iOS is probably out of the box a little better, but you have not much ways to lock things down.

In 2016, we started running the messenger review series on decentralize.today since we anticipated how significant they would become in the mix of communication options and the impact on privacy.

It is open source, they have products in desktop, android and iOS what cost money. The adguard home is open source tho. Works even on some routers

If you are an avid Apple user, you are probably locked (trapped?) in the 'closed garden' of Apple. However, over the course of chapter 19 (this is 3rd piece in the 'apple pie') we have learned that you can anonymize yourself a little.

Two weeks ago, I started with "Apple - a new Persona", which was designed as the first step toward privacy and security on your Mac. Sadly, even if you start over with a new persona, you still need to do more to protect yourself from Apple. The "Privacy, this is Apple" does not fly very high when it comes to their (off the shelf) products.

When it comes to privacy, you often hear Apple fans jumping in first with: “what happens on my iPhone stays on my iPhone” Sure, except that it does not stay on your iPhone!

Privacy Cookbook — Chapter 5.9.8 - Cellphone Security — Best Privacy Development on Mobile for 2021
Over the whole of this last year, I observed that the chapter on CalyxOS vs GrapheneOS got a lot of attention and consistently weekly hits. In fact, it has stayed in the Top 5 since publication. I have used GrapheneOS for years and have trialled CalyxOS for a short while as well.

It is no secret that I am a big fan of DNS and, therefore, it's a no-brainer that I am kicking off the Privacy Cookbook's 'Best of 2021' series with the best DNS services and operators.