Israel deploys remote-controlled robotic guns in West Bank
AL-AROUB REFUGEE CAMP, West Bank (AP) — In two volatile spots in the occupied West Bank, Israel has installed robotic weapons that can fire tear gas, stun grenades and sponge-tipped bullets at Palestinian protesters.

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Palestinian activist Issa Amro said Hebron residents fear the new weapon might be misused or hacked with no accountability in potentially lethal situations. People also resent what they say is a weapons test on civilians, he added.

“We are not a training and simulation for Israeli companies,” he said. “This is something new that must be stopped.”

There are no soldiers next to the machines. Instead, the weapons are operated by remote control. At a touch of a button, soldiers nestled inside a guard tower can fire at selected targets.

The army says the system is being tested at this stage and fires only “non-lethal” weapons used for crowd control, such as sponge-tipped bullets and tear gas. Residents of Al-Aroub say the turrets have repeatedly drenched the hillside camp in gas.

“We don’t open the window, we don’t open the door. We know not to open anything,” said shopkeeper Hussein al-Muzyeen.

El segon genet de l'apocalipsi
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La guerra, les revoltes armades, etc. és un ingredient present en boi tots els processos de col·lapse.

Escassetat de recursos? Lluita pel poc que queda, intent d’acaparar-los, descontentament…

Per què hauria de ser diferent aquest cop, quan, de fet, la humanitat no ha deixat mai la companyia del genet que munta el cavall de color del foc?


La guerra, las revueltas armadas, etc. es un ingrediente presente en casi todos los procesos de colapso.

Escasez de recursos? Lucha por lo poco que queda, intento de acapararlos, descontento…

¿Por qué debería ser diferente esta vez cuando, de hecho, la humanidad no ha dejado nunca la compañía del jinete que monta el caballo de color del fuego?


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