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This makes my goddamn blood boil to Planck Temperature. I refuse to shut down or cry about this, that isn’t productive. I use this passionate, white-hot anger as fuel to keep reminding myself that I’m sane and can withstand the capitalist psychological warfare and NATO propaganda in this capitalist hellworld. I will never stop fighting for communism, and I will never let go of my anger and sense of justice, because I choose to rise up and never let anxiety or fear overwhelm me.
Many people, and even some Marxists say that morality is nonsense or immaterial or worthless.
I heavily disagree.
These peaceful civillians are being bombed just for the fact they are Russian, by the Ukranian goverment acting as NATO’s fleshlight and mouthpiece, and furthering capitalist imperialism.
Watching this, I feel like I experience at least a small shred of the absolute horror of the evil totality of the capitalist system, and all the billions and billions of lives devasted by capitalism due to war, genocide, famine, private control of resources and information.
I won’t rest until the entire world is Red, and I refuse to give up or let my drive acquiesce. All of humani history and the future of billions of humans and wildlife are counting on us to save the world from capitalism, especially due to climate change.
Socialism or barbarism
La guerra, les revoltes armades, etc. és un ingredient present en boi tots els processos de col·lapse.
Escassetat de recursos? Lluita pel poc que queda, intent d’acaparar-los, descontentament…
Per què hauria de ser diferent aquest cop, quan, de fet, la humanitat no ha deixat mai la companyia del genet que munta el cavall de color del foc?
La guerra, las revueltas armadas, etc. es un ingrediente presente en casi todos los procesos de colapso.
Escasez de recursos? Lucha por lo poco que queda, intento de acapararlos, descontento…
¿Por qué debería ser diferente esta vez cuando, de hecho, la humanidad no ha dejado nunca la compañía del jinete que monta el caballo de color del fuego?