
  • 3 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Feb 10, 2022

Italian Blog LeAlternative is back on Bing and DuckDuckGo!
main news (in Italian): https://lemmy.ml/post/239473 Followup to the [previous post](https://lemmy.ml/post/233373). The owner of the blog announced that the site is indexed again on Bing and DuckDuckGo. The reasons for the de-indexing is still unknown.

We can’t know for sure but the owner checked that the site was unreachable from Bing. Good news is that it is now accessible again!

Wouldn’t have expected a manga about Ubuntu, but I love this!

My source was this paragraph, I don’t know if they are all from DDG, but I tried and some are the same:

!! external bangs

SearXNG supports the external bangs from ddg. To directly jump to a external search page use the !! prefix. To give an example:

search wikipedia by a custom language

  !!wfr Wau Holland

Please note, your search will be performed directly in the external search engine, SearXNG cannot protect your privacy on this.

We would like to know, but it seems a algorithmic decision… I’ll update you if it is resolved. Meanwhile we would like to get this news so that Bing or DuckDuckGo notices it… If someone has Reddit (I’m shadowbanned) could please post it there too (maybe on DuckDuckGo’s subreddit)?

True… It already had some issues, but since the pro-Russia news de-ranking it’s starting to implement more and more manipulation to the results, it’s starting to go in Google’s direction in terms of bubbling, the thing (I think) they were against… I don’t know if it’s just Bing’s fault, but I hope they distance themselves as soon as possible by using their own crawler or more crawlers (which they claim they do, but it’s hard to believe at this point).

Definitely is… The only thing that keeps me going back to DDG is bangs, would love to see this implemented in Searx instances 🙄

Famous Italian privacy blog Le Alternative de-indexed from DuckDuckGo, Bing and other search engines.
cross: https://lemmy.ml/post/233095 Article is in Italian. Famous privacy blog [Le Alternative](https://www.lealternative.net) ([!lealternative@lemmy.ml](https://lemmy.ml/c/lealternative) here on Lemmy) was de-indexed from Bing and from all Bing-dependent search engines, including DuckDuckGo. At the moment it is impossible to search for their useful articles and the reason for this de-indexing is unknown. The owner of the blog is still trying to find out the reason for this removal.