I am Robert. I don’t post much, but boost and like all posts I find interesting. In general I’m a dystopian futurologist and have a bleak outlook on most of humanity’s future. The surrealism of our current shared existence is where it’s at, this wild ride is interesting!

If I’ve followed you it’s because I find your posts interesting. I only follow profiles that were open at the time of following, and assume you want your posts to be seen and interacted with by anyone.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Apr 03, 2022


Yes, both as a mention and a DM. You’re talking about Lemmy release notes, right?

Got inspired and tested it out from Mastodon, since we don’t use the !-group function here I can’t trigger the right type of post.

For now, Mastodon users can subscribe to communities and Lemmy users, comment on existing posts but never post from home server. Oh well. 🤷‍♂️