• 3 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: May 01, 2021

Criteria for account creation and identity on the Fediverse
Hello to everybody. I am quite conflicted concerning the way I should manage my presence on the #Fediverse, which instances to join, and how many accounts to use. In particular, I would like to understand whether the way to go is to have **one unique account for everything** on a general instance, or rather to **create multiple accounts in topic-specific instances** and use each one to post about that topic only. For example, should I use @tommi@mastodon.uno only for posts in Italian, @tommi@scholar.social for academic stuff only, @tommi@bookwyrm.social for book-related content? I fear that having too many account could fragment my follower-base and I would lose my (already quite-little) presence. On the other hand, having separate multiple account makes sense for order and organizational purposes. What is your take on this? Thanks a lot! Tommi



I have been so limited in participating to conversations about great software only because they happened on Discord and I do not use it by choice.

Let us all use Matrix, instead!

I don’t know… maybe having little, super effective and specific platforms is better than one where you try to include most of the features possible. That’s the awesomeness of the Fediverse! As long as there is seamless interoperability, anything goes smoothly.

To be honest, I do not care. It is important to have the right license, but the value of a software should not be conditioned by license bias. It is a matter that is not strictly and directly related.

Software comes first, license comes close, but still second to it.

To be honest, I do not care. It is important to have the right license, but the value of a software should not be conditioned by license bias. It is a matter that is not strictly and directly related.

Software comes first, license comes close, but still second to it.

I did not know it. I’ll look into it! Thanks for sharing

It might be, but IMDb, as all Big Tech companies (it is owned by Amazon) is successfully settling on territories where before there were other smaller services, among them Trakt.

I love the Fediverse and I love cinema 🍿, I don’t think I am the only one… I am surprised nobody has realized a Fediverse software for movies, yet! [I am tired of IMDb](https://tommi.space/quit-imdb 'Quit IMDb — tommi.space'), and [any other alternative](https://alternativeto.net/software/imdb/ 'IMDb alternatives on AlternativeTo') is centralized, proprietary software. What I think could be done is to develop a fork of @bookwyrm@tech.lgbt with the same features, but some key differences that make it the go-to solution for tracking movies you want to watch and that you watched, as well as sharing your thoughts with your friends. I already emailed @tripofmice@friend.camp, Bookwyrm’s creator and main maintainer, about this possibility. I am keeping notes concerning this idea in the link for the post. --- Unfortunately, even though I am a Fediverse enthusiast and I cannot stop talking about it with everybody, I am no developer and I cannot *practically* start working on this, also because my time is too limited to work on such a software. Nevertheless, I hope writing this post could inspire somebody to code something and start a Fediverse platform for movies! 😍 Of course I am available for anything else concerning the project: website creation, marketing, bug testing and community moderation, etc. Thanks a lot for your time! Happy holidays, Tommi 🤯

I am hoping a fork of this could become a valuable IMDb alternative, too!

(actually, I would love it and use it even more)

I spent several months building and writing this website, which contains all of the reasons why it is important to abandon corporate social media platforms, for good. In the [“Why” page](https://quitsocialmedia.club/why 'Why to quit social media') I listed **>20 different reasons why corporate social media are bad and harmful**, also by collecting a lot of related researches, articles, videos and documentaries. Among the [solutions](https://quitsocialmedia.club/solutions 'Solutions - Quit Social Media'), I suggest to [join the Fediverse](https://quitsocialmedia.club/solutions#alternatives 'Alternative social media platforms') and **prefer federated social media**. Please, I would be tremendously happy if you would be willing to support my work by **sharing** the website and **contributing** to its content. Thank you very much! Best, Tommi