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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jun 28, 2020


No, don’t take out a loan. Just become a SpaceX TM AstroXplorer! For the small price of $5000 (and your human rights) you can get a free ticket to the planet Mars. There, you will be legally required to work a minimum of 24hrs a day, 668 days a year! Please note, your enslavement employment will be terminated if you do not meet the minimum expected workload. At this point you will no longer be welcome inside a SpaceX facility on the Martian surface, and thus you will need to relocate to an alternative premises, or buy a SpaceX Starship seat home for only $100000.

Yes, you make a good point. The west should be talking more about the conflicts we are responsible for (which if you go back in history is probably practically all of them)

I do try to get out every day, sometimes it helps but sometimes it makes me feel more worn out.

I’ll try keeping my window open a bit more often.

I don’t think the distractions are the problem, on good days I’m motivated enough to keep away from the distractions. On the bad days I can force myself to keep staring at the work but my brain just wanders or I just stare into space.

I’m sober at the moment due to wanting to focus on my work. I’m starting to think it could be sleep related so I might give this a shot

This is possible, I’m vegan so I probably don’t get much from my diet, and I live in the UK so we probably only get enough sunlight in the summer. Do you take vitamin D supplements?

I don’t know much about it honestly. I’m not really an impulsive person though?

I think sleep could be a big part of it, I’ve always struggled to maintain any kind of sleep schedule. I don’t think I suffer from any severe mental health problems as I’m fairly functional in day-to-day life.

I thought burnout was more of a long term thing, whereas mine tends to resolve the next day (or occasionally after a few hours). Sometimes I will have a weekend which is bad

Generally it makes sense to have different accounts for different fediverse implementations (e.g. one for mastodon, one for lemmy, one for pixelfed). On the other hand, there’s no need to join multiple instances with the same implementation if they federate with one another - that’s the point of federation!

However, perhaps for privacy reasons you may which to keep your different interests separate from one another in case they might be identifying.

Does anyone else get motivation swings?
I'm currently preparing for exams which are very important to me. Some days I can work for 6 hours or more without stopping and I get loads done and feel great about it. Unfortunately some days I get up and I can't bear to work. On bad days, I feel like I can't focus on anything, and no matter how much it stresses me out, my brain just refuses to put any effort in. I have no motivation and just feel like going to sleep or giving up and doing something to waste time. Generally I find if I work a lot one day the next day is more likely to be a bad day. Does anyone else have this? How do you prevent this or at least cope with it?

Yes, a lot of racist things have been said, and race plays a role in one conflict getting more attention, and that’s bad. But the invasion of Ukraine has potential immediate ramifications for people living in Europe, whether that be through energy security, sanctions, refugees, etc. So it may be selfish, but it’s understandable.

I’m from the UK and I hear about a neighbour who was hit by a motor vehicle on a nearby road. Not because I don’t care about all the people dying in the rest of the country or around the world, but because it’s relevant to me.

Crypto is a fascinating concept but it’s been taken over by a combination of tech bros and finance bros

That’s very interesting thank you.

Source on the claim that most people from those countries want it back?