I support ending the federal tracking app requirement for re-entry into Canada but vaccine mandates are more complex. In the long term I suspect human bodies are going to need shots to be able to withstand whatever biotech might produce. Vaccines are useful human technology that require coordination for maximum effect, but I believe that coordination should come through education, certainly not violence. Whether denial of employment would count as force is an open question.
I tried Yandex but I think since I’m using Tor they limited my account and asked for SMS. ProtonMail required email confirmation from another email so it’s rather chicken and egg. Some systems work on an invite principle so that could work, or maybe to request an account with an appeal in text. Finally, if spam is the issue paying with some crypto might be possible.
The problem is the whole model of collecting and using data to control us. Our interests become liabilities when we are shown what we like plus a little bit of fear, comedy, and outrage.
You make some good points. I say let the FBs and Apples fight it out and let us go on with what we’re truly interested in. Use Tor and try to create the free, privacy-respecting life that you want for yourself and loved ones.
It’s a matter of time. Just like with software, you have to have a bias toward open source, freedom respecting objects and support them with your cash.