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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Oct 02, 2021


For a meaningful discussion it needs a balance between questions and answers. Hiding behind questions because you do not have answers (i.e. evidence) is rubbish IMO. Why post something if you have nothing to say?

Also, no one said anything about racist stereotypes… sorry to hear the image resonates with you.

Ah yes, the good old “jUsT asKiNg qUEstiOns”… Has never been associated with trolling/(click)bait and was always a start of a good discussion.


They really gathered the most brilliant minds of the internet: "https://lemm y.ml/ here’s the link, it’s broken so they can’t detect the traffic is from 4 chan " - 4chan

It also says “W[orld]H[ealth]O[rganisation] warns” - seems OK imo.

This trolling is very annoying. In addition there is always the name calling (“facist”, “bigot”,…) by this user and it seems it is @SupportTransPeople that was banned.